Chapter 12

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Cassie's P.O.V

I wake up and notice I'm in my room. I slowly sit up wondering what happened last night. The last thing I remember was what happened in the girl's bathroom with the mysterious guy. As I sit up all the way I then get a headache and hold my head not handling the pain.
"Ouuuch. Fuck" I hear Lucky bark and then see Jc come in. He gives me two pills and a glass of water.
"Suppose to make the headache go away" I take them and lay back down. I give him the cup back and notice there are bandages on his hands.
"What happened here?" I ask taking his hand looking at them.
"Oh you know. Just another asshole thinking he's all tough" I laugh a little and look down.
"So I'm guessing you know what happened last night?" I ask embarrassed
"You being drunk at a school's dance party. Haha. Yeaaah. That's pretty awesome of you Cassie"  I chuckle and look at him.
"How did you even know?"
"One of my friends texted me saying he saw you drinking"  Jc says sitting on the bed by my feet.
"You think I would get in trouble for this"
"Yes but I made sure no one will talk" He says and grins at me.
"Did I do anything dumb last night and does my mom know"
"Not that I can think of but if anything I got you out of it and no she doesn't." I smile and we both look at each other. It feels like it's only us in the world. I see him leaning in closer to me and I start leaning in too.

"Hey guys, I'm off today so I was thinking why don't we head to Corpus Christi for the day?" My mom says popping up in front of my bedroom door making me and Jc jump back.
"I would love to but I don't got a bathing suit mom"
"Yeah. Me either" My mom leans on the door thinking and looks at us.
"Well why don't you guys go shopping for one and I'll stay here getting everything ready because I already have one" We look at each other and nod our had.
"Sounds good. I'll go get ready" Jc says getting up and walking out the door heading to his room.
"Alright. You guys have an hour to shop for one so hurry up"  My mom says closing the door letting me get ready. I jump out of bed and changing into jeans and a t-shirt. I look at myself in the mirror and notice the scar on my arm. It still hasn't healed quick. I put on my sweater covering my arm and rush to put on my shoes. I brush my hair real quick and walk to the kitchen but stop when I hear my mom and Jc talk about me.
"I do but I don't want her to hate me" I hear my mom say to Jc.
"What makes you think she'll hate you for being happy."  I lean against the wall trying to hear clearly.
"I tried a couple of years back but she hates it so much. I can tell she did. She didn't talk to me for days"

"I understand but you should be happy too and if she can't accept that then ignore her. Yeah. She deserves to be happy but you do too so why not give it a shot."

"Thanks Jc. I'll tell her later." She says and I walk through the door like I didn't hear anything.
"Hey guys. Jc ready to go?"
"Yeah. Let's go" Jc says and walks to the front door. My mom comes up to me and hugs me.
"Be safe Cassie. Jc is driving and I want you guys back at 1." She says fixing my hair.
"I'll be fine mom. I love you."
"I love you too Cas." She says kissing my head. I smile and start walking out the front door, heading to the car.
"You can drive. Right Jc?"
"Yeah. The foster workers have been teaching me to drive since 16 but I never got my own car." Jc says backing up.
"They suck" I laugh and we start heading to the stores.

When we get to the store Jc head to the guys section and I head to the girls section. I look at the different bikinis they have and decide to try on a black bikini on. I go to the changing room and see Jc walk into one room.
"I'm in the next one if you wanna show me what you look like" I tell jc and close the curtain. I take off my clothes then change into the bikini. I look at myself once I finish and not really liking what I see. I look at my big thighs, my fat stomach, and my flabby arms. I put my arms down looking at my scar through the mirror and start tearing up. The scar is so ugly. I run my fingers down on my scar, making it go up to my arms. I pinch the fat on my arm, moving my hands down to my stomach. I turn to my side and see how much fat I have on it. I start crying harder than before and lean against the wall.

"Cassie what do you think of this?" Jc ask walking and noticing me crying. I look up at him with tears in my eyes. "Why am I ugly?..."
"What? Cassie you're not ugly. You're beautiful"
"But before you even moved in with me you would always say how..."
"I know what I said Cassie but please know I didn't mean it. Come here" He grabs my hand, putting me in front of him making us stand in front of the mirror.
"You're perfect to me Cassie." I look at him through the mirror and he smiles.
"You are. You have little feet that are adorable to me" He says tickling them and I laugh a little. He moves his hands up to my legs.
"You have perfectly short model legs" He says moving his hand up touching my thighs
"You have round shape thighs which are very attractive to lots of guys" He moves his hands upper to my stomach
"You're stomach that is perfect the way it is. Not too big not too flat." I smile lightly and he moves his hands to my arms
"You're arms are beautiful Cassie. You may not like it because of the scar but you know who does? Me. That's your battle scar. That shows that you won the battle against the bullies and you won't let anything else bring you down. You're beautiful Cassie. You really are. I wish you can see yourself through my eyes so you can see how beautiful you are."
"But why would you say all those hurtful things to me" I ask looking at him
"Because I was stupid. I didn't realize that I was messing up the most beautiful girl in the world's life. I know I fucked up Cassie but I'm hoping you can forgive me" He turns me around and grabs my hand.
"Promise me something Cassie?"
"What is it?"
"Don't ever cut or hate your battle scar again" He grabs my arm, gets down on his knees and kisses my scar gently. "Because I don't want you hurting yourself and this is beautiful to me"
"I promise Jc" He smiles hugging me tightly and I hug him back. He pulls away.
"Now I'm going to buy these trunks and you give me that bikini so I can buy it because you look gorgeous in that" I smile and he smiles back walking out my room closing the curtains. I look at myself again and smile. I do look gorgeous in it.

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