Chapter 21

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~Cassie's POV~

I wake up to Jc giving me roses in my bed.
"Happy 6 months baby" Jc says and kisses me softly. I kiss him back and hold him close to me.
"Thank you baby. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything" I say looking at him sadly
"Its fine. Spending the day with you will be my present" Jc says giving me the roses. I smile sitting up from my bed and take them.
"Where's mom?" I ask smelling the roses
"She left to work early." I smile and lay back down holding them. He laying down wrapping his arms around me. I lay my head in his chest hearing his heart beat
"Its still too early. Go back to sleep and I'll wake you up when its time to go"  Jc says and close my eyes drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to Jc snoring. I smile looking at him sleep. He's so cute. I don't get how I got lucky with him. I notice the clock behind him reading '10:45'
"Jc get up! We're late" I say getting out of bed, hitting him with a pillow. He wakes up and process everything. He run to his room as I put on jeans, a white tank top and throw on my leather jacket. I put on my converse and brush my hair quick. I rush downstairs getting my backpack and see Jc waiting for me. We both run to the school trying to get there on time.

We walk towards the building trying to rush to our 2nd period now.
"Justin! Cassie we gotta talk to you" We hear as we turn around and see the principal.
"Sir. We gotta get to class." I say about to run off but get stopped by him again.
"No in my office now!" Jc and I look at each other and walk towards him. We get inside the office and see a guy in a neckbrace and a few bruises on his face. I look at Jc and he gives the guy sitting in the chair a death stare. Jc sits next to him and I sit next to Jc.
"So this young man right here tells me that you Justin got in a fight with him at the gym for no reason." The principal says sitting on his chair. I look at the guy next to Jc notice its the guy from the Halloween dance.
"That fight was a few weeks ago and that wasnt for no reason. He was threatening me"
"And what was he threatening you for?" The principal asks him. I see Jc look at me the look back down sadly.
"Something. I can't say"
"That's what I thought because there's this video" The principal says turning his computer screen towards us. I see Jc on top of the guy punching him. It then shows Jc walking off like nothing happened
"That's not all of it. Did you see the part where he punched me first?" The principal looks at him confused.
"Jc that's all of the video. Shows you two talking then you punch him out of no where" I notice Jc look at the guy next to him and stand up looking down at him.
"JUSTIN CAYLEN SIT DOWN" The principal yells pushing Jc to the chair.
"We are not gonna have a threats here. Now Jc this is what we're going to do. You are going to have detention everyday after school for a month"
"That's it? I'm in a neck brace because of..."
"Zip it Crowley I decide the punishment here. Unless you wanna join him?" Crowley sits back in his chair quiet.
"That's what I thought. Alright. Cassie do you know him?"
"Not really?" I say looking at him
"Alright. Well he's the guy that told me you, Cassie Gonzalez had alcohol at the Halloween dance." The principal looks at me and walks back to his chair still looking at me with a disappointed look on his face. "I trusted you Cassie. You're the brightest and smartest girl at this school and you brought Alcohol to the dance." I look down feeling bad. I didn't bring it but I drank some when I should've told them to leave. "I'm sorry Cassie but for you bringing alcohol to school even when you know it's not allowed I'm gonna have go suspend you for the rest of the year." I look down with tears in my eyes.
"It wasn't her who brought it. It was me" Jc says standing up.
"It was all me. I mean why would a girl who's trying to get into a good college and have a good life do anything like that"
"Jc..." I say trying to stop him.
"It was me sir. I thought I could get away with it but I guess not. You caught me. I don't wanna see someone innocent get in trouble" Jc sits down while looking at me.
"Well Mr.Caylen, you not coming to school will make you so happy. So instead of being suspended for the rest of the year. You won't be able to walk the stage when you graduate plus the detention after school every day for a month." I see Jc head go down for a little then look at the principal. "Alright" I notice Crowley have a smirk looking at Jc
"You guys can go back to class now" We get up and go out the door.
"Crowley how the hell did you do that? You punched me too!" Jc says but I grab his hand before he can do anything.
"Let's just say you should always be friends with the people who can hack into the schools things" He replies and walks off happily. I stay quiet not able to say anything about what Jc just did. He just took the blame and now that cost him not to walk the stage when he graduates and detention. He looks at me but I just start walking to class. I then feel Jc grab and pull me in the janitors closet.
"Talk to me please."
"Why would you do that?" I say a little mad at what he did.
"Because I know how much school means to you and I care about you. I don't want you to fail. You've come so far and I don't want to see it end because of an asshole like him" I look down feeling bad.
"You still didn't have to do that Jc...but Thank you" I say hugging him tightly.
"I'm so happy you kicked his ass" I say as he laughs. I feel him kiss my head.
"Let's go to class beautiful" Jc says and we walk out heading to class.

~Few Hours Later~

Jc and I are currently sitting down on the couch on Netflix. My mom still isn't home. She's probably still working.
"We're 6 months beautiful. Are you sure you just wanna watch Netflix? I can take you out." Jc asks for the hundreths time holding a bowl of popcorn and two can sodas.
"I'm fine. Just come sit next to me and 'Monster's Inc' with me." I reply while Jc sits next to me setting down the popcorn and drinks. I lay on his chest wrapping my arms around him.
"Yes babe?"
"I wanna tell you something"
"This sounds serious." I say getting nervous as I turn off the tv and face him.
"I wanted to tell you that I...I was wondering if you could be in one of my YouTube videos so people can know I'm taken?"
"I don't want anyone to know. At least not till mom knows"
"Yeah. Right. Sorry"
"Jc I know that wasn't what you wanted to tell me. Please tell me the truth."
"Okay...Cassie I...umm..." Jc says getting nervous. He closes his eyes and breath in and out calmly.  "Cassie I lo..." We hear the door bell ring making him get interrupted.
"It's probably mom. Let me get it" I say walking towards the door. I open it seeing a thin women wearing a blue dress with black curley hair. I notice her messing with her hands nervously.
"Hello. I'm looking for Justin Caylen Castillo. Is he here?" The women says as Jc stands next to me. The women's eyes widen when she sees Jc.
"Wow. You've grown up mijo" She says about to cry
"Who's asking for him?" I say getting in front of him making her look at me.
"His mother"

I Fell In Love With My Bully (Completed) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin