Chapter 33

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Jackie's POV

I roll the cart through the aisle looking for the things I need for dinner. I'm thinking lasagna with salads on the side. I just need a bag of croutons then I'll have everything for dinner. I see the last bag of croutons on the top shelf.
"Fuck" I say to myself knowing I might not be able to reach it. I tip toe stretching my arms trying to reach for it. I feel my finger tips touching it but as I'm trying to reach I push it more back.
"I got it" someone says in a deep familiar voice grabbing the bag before me.
"Thank you so much." I say facing the person who grabbed it but stares at them in shock when I realize who it is.
"Jackie...umm...hey. Here you go" A guy with short brown wavy hair, a beard, kind of big, wearing jeans, a red shirt and boots says passing me the bag.
"Thanks" I say grabbing the bag throwing them in the cart and walk off.
"Wait stop. Let's catch up" He says running towards me.
"There's nothing to catch up on John" I say still walking ignoring him.
"Yes there is. For example, how's my daughter. Cassie" I stop walking looking at him angrily.
"Since when did it ever become your daughter? Last time I remember you left the day I told you I was pregnant" I start walking trying to get away from him.
"Because we we're young Jackie!" He yells following me.
"You didn't say shit when you had put your dick in me!" I stop saying loudly knowing everyone is looking at us. He smiles at them knowing everyone heard.
"Will you keep it down" He whispers
"Are you going to make me" He chuckles
"You didn't change one bit" I walk off again but this time he's not following me
"Don't you think Cassie would wanna know who her dad is?"
"She's lived without you for 18 years. Pretty she doesn't want to"
"So you're going to be those mom's who won't let their daughters see their father" I stop the cart again and face him
"If you really cared you would've stayed. I have every reason for me not wanting you to see MY daughter."
"But I'm here now. Just let me talk to her. Here's my number. You can talk to her, arrange it, call me and I'll be there." He says putting a piece of paper in my hand then walking away. I look at it thinking if Cassie should really meet her dad. He left me when I was pregnant with Cassie because we were too young. Yeah we were but he could've been a man and stayed helping me raise her. I raised Cassie by myself with no one's help but maybe Cassie would wanna talk to her dad. I can't keep John away from her forever. I'll talk to Cassie about it seeing if she wants to talk to her dad.

I get out of my thoughts seeing people look at me. "You guys got a problem?" I say to them then they all look away.
"What I thought" I say to myself putting the paper in my pocket grabbing a bottle of alcohol and walking to go pay for my things. I may need it.


I sit outside my house in the car drinking the bottle thinking about what happened in the store with John. Just all the memories came back. When we dated making all those memories. We talked about being together forever but who knew forever would only last 3 years. When I told him I was pregnant I thought he would stay but he just walk off not texting or calling me after that. After that my parents didn't really want me anymore. They kicked me out and never talked to again because "I was a disappointment to God" So I've been on my own ever since I was pregnant with Cassie. I don't mind though. Cassie is my world and was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I notice Victoria running out of the house covering her face crying. I look at her confused while taking the last sip of the bottle. I get off the car throwing the bottle in the trashcan then grabbing the grocery bags. I close the car door behind me trying to walk straight inside the house. I could barely walk which is bad because I never wanted Cassie to see me drunk. I walk through the front door (that Victoria left open) about to close it until I see Cassie and Jc kissing. I drop the bag to the ground making them stop and look at me.

"What the hell is this?!" I ask mad trying to process what the hell I just saw "Are you guys dating or something? What the hell is this?!"
"We've been dating for a few months now" Cassie says grabbing Jc's hand. I look at their hands holding each other. I then see flashbacks of me and John dating from when we first kissed, him saying 'I love you' for the first time, us making love, me being pregnant, him leaving, me being kicked out, then now. I stare at Cassie and Jc in shock for a while. Jc is going to be like John. He's gonna hurt my Cassie. I can't let him do that.

I grab his shirt trying to drag him out of the house."No! I will not have this in my house!"
"Mom stop!!" Cassie yells at me pushing off of Jc
"He's your brother Cassie! FUCKING BROTHER!!" I yell to her even though they're not actually related I just don't want Jc to hurt my Cassie or take my Cassie away.
"Mom you've been drinking. We'll talk about this in the morning." Cassie says trying to grab my arm but I don't know what came over me. I push Cassie away slapping her hard in the face making her fall to the ground.
"NO!! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY THIS 'THING' BETWEEN JC AND I ISN'T OVER. I CARE ABOUT HIM AND I WANT HIM FOREVER IN MY LIFE!!" Cassie yells interrupting me while getting up and staring at me in the eyes. I get more mad and start yelling shit I don't mean
"You and I are different people mom"
"That's right. You're a tramp who will do anything for love" I say knowing that I hurt her. I'm not meaning anything I say. I don't know what's gotten into me
"Jackie that's not true. Cassie and I..." Jc says pushing Cassie lightly behind him
"You zip it Jc. You leave MY house now or I will send you back to that foster place, where you'll be alone since the day your mom gave you up for drugs"
"If he goes I go with him. You either accept us together or lose both of us" Cassie interrupt me holding Jc's hand. I looks at their hands together. Jc's going to hurt Cassie. John did the same thing with me. But Cassie's going to stay with Jc no matter what. She won't believe me anymore...wait...not all guys are the same. I have to stop thinking like that. Jc is different and not at all like John. I noticed that ever since I took him in my family since day 1. I've become like my mother. I look back at them with teachers in my eyes. I can't believe I just hurt the two people I love. I hate myself so much because of it. I storm out the front door slamming it behind me hating myself so much.

I get in my car driving off fast thinking How much of a piece of shit I am. I don't mind then dating. They're not really related. They're perfect with each other. I probably ruined everything right now. I hurt Jc my threatening him about sending him back. I hurt Cassie by calling her a tramp and hitting her. How could I yell saying hit like that to them? How could I hit Cassie like that? How could I hurt them like that? How could I end up like....

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