Chapter 1

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"I don't mind letting it down easy but just give it time. If you don't hurt now just wait, just wait a while and all the big fish in the pond no more" I wake up to my alarm clock going off and I hit the snooze button and get up to get ready for school.

I hop in the shower and come out putting on black skinny jeans and a Paramore T-shirt. I blow dry my hair and straighten it.

Once I was done getting ready I walk downstairs and see a note by my mom saying that she went in work early and she'll be back before I get back to school. I put on my headphones listening to my music and start waking to my school that is only like a 10 minute walk.

I get to my school and start heading to my 1st period class which is Mr.Rogers which is writing. I hate school. I really do but this class is different because its writing which i love and I never miss this class. Plus the teacher is really cute. Like mid-twenties, short hair and very buff. Almost every girl in the school liked him.

I get there on time and once the bell rings Mr.Rogers starts teaching his class. Not even 5 minutes pass by and you hear the door slam scaring everyone in the room. A guy with curly brown hair and pretty brown eyes walks to my teacher giving him a note.

"Everyone welcome Justin Caylen. He's new here. Umm...Cassie would you like to show Justin around the school,taking him to his class rooms after class and I'll give you an extra 100." Mr.Rogers says looking at me knowing I will like the 100
"Sure sir. You know I can't say no to a 100" I say sounding like the biggest nerd in school.
"Just call me Jc and I'll manage on finding my own class rooms. I don't want people seeing me with a freak like her" Jc says and the whole class laughs at me.

He walks to a desk in the back row and sits down looking at me. I look at him back kind of mad and I see him throw me the finger. I ignore his stupidity and just pay attention to Mr.Rogers trying to get this day over.

An hour has passed by and the bell has rung to go to our next period. As I was walking down the hall going to my next class. Jc purposely comes up to me shoving my books to the ground and bumping me against the lockers with all his force.

I look at him and he looks back at me saying "Watch where you're going nerd"
"You bumped into me so you watch where you're going jackass" I say bending down picking up my things then I feel two hands on my shoulders picking me up and push me against the lockers.
"If I were you I'd watch out who you talking to cause you wouldn't want me to make your life a living hell" Jc says putting his face close to mine and dropping me to the ground walking away.

I look at him with fear and wonder what did I do to make him pick on me. It's his first day and I'm already on his bad side but why? Out of everyone in the school why me?

~~~Authors note~~~

Sorry if this chapter sucks. I'm trying to make it sound good but thank you for reading it. Imma probably add a chapter every Friday cuz it's my favorite day of the week.
Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it and plz comment what you think.


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