Chapter 8

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"Excuse me?" My mom says looking at me shocked. I look at Jc then back at my mom. I throw my bag to the ground and storm up to my room slamming the door behind me.

I'm so mad right now. Not only did she get Jc Caylen as my foster brother but she's probably using him to keep an eye on me while she's gone, like some kind of suicide watch. Jc is the reason I wanted to kill myself. He made that day the worst day of my life.

I hear a knock on my door and my mom walking in closing it behind her.
"What the hell was that Cassie?"
"I don't know mom. You tell me. You don't think I know the real reason you got him for me?" She looks down at her feet, knowing I figured out why.
"I just don't wanna lose you..."
"A normal mom would send their suicidal daughter to a therapist or a mental hospital not get a person to keep them company because I'm 'lonely.'"
"I do have a therapist for you Cassie but is she helping you? Probably not. So don't get mad at me for not wanting to lose my only daughter!"
"Then don't put me on suicide watch!! I did that one time and you know the reason why!"
"And all it takes is one time to be addicted to it. I know because I almost killed myself too!!" The room gets quiet once she says that. After a few minutes of silence she opens the door and says.
"He's part of the family. So once your done acting like a child, come downstairs and introduce yourself to him" She walks out of my room and closes the door. I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling, thinking.

Thinking about what my mom said. I didn't know she would do that. She's one of the strongest person I know. Why would she do that? She's beautiful, strong and smart. Out of all people I didn't think she would do that.

A few hours later my mom knocks in the door to say dinner is ready. I walk downstairs and see Jc sitting down at the table and my mom bringing out the food. She sets it on the table and starts putting the food on our plates passing it out to us. "So Justin tell us about yourself"
"Sure thing but I would like it if you call me Jc. I'll feel like family if you call me that."
"Sorry. Sure thing Jc"
"So, I'm 17 years old. My birthday is September 11th. I was born in Houston Texas but moved to San Antonio when my parents got divorced. After 6 months of living here my mom started getting addicted to drugs...So she lost me...and my dad just didn't wanna take care of me anymore..." He says looking down at his food. I stare at my mom sad and she looks at Jc.
"Well Jc you are part of our family now and we'll try our best to make you feel welcomed." Jc smiles and looks at me. We make eye contact but he soons look away from me and start eating again.

As soon dinner was over I put all the left over food in the trash and start washing dishes.
"Cassie! Jc! I'm gonna go to the store to pick up some groceries. I'll be back in a few minutes" My mom yells and closes the front door. I continue doing dishes until Jc sits on the counter.
"So. How's life going nerd? I bet its good now that I'm your brother" I continue doing the dishes and I see him getting mad. "So the fight with you and your mom. Wow. I didn't know you tried killing yourself. Is that why you were gone for a week? I can't wait till I tell the school this."
"And I can't wait till I tell the school about you being in a foster home. How your your mom got addicted to drugs, how your dad didn't want you anymore, how you're in a foster home and how you finally got a family by the biggest nerd in school trying to kill herself because why? Oh yeah. No one else wanted you so thats why you were left alone in that foster home, without a family for years" I see him look down and jump off the counter going to his room.

I realize what I said and felt bad. I finish up the little bit of dishes I have left and walk up to the room he was staying in. "Jc?" I knock on the door lightly and he doesn't answer. I get the key from under the mat outside his room and unlock it. I walk inside and see Jc laying on the bed.
"How'd you get in?"
"Magic powers" I say sitting on the edge of his bed.
"What do you want?" He says a bit harsh.
"I didn't mean what I said. Doesn't feel good when someone picks on you does it?" He sits up slowly and looks at me.
"But you've gone too far"
"And you haven't? Telling me to kill myself and me actually doing it? You're the one that started it and I'm firing back" He picks me up off the bed and almost carries me out the door until I pushed myself off him and slam the door behind me.
"Get out of my room?!" He yells at me
"You've only been here for 5 hours! This room isn't yours at all"
"Get out of my face!" He yells coming close to me in my face
"Why Jc?" I say pushing him
"You don't like it do you?! Being bullied? No you dont! Now think about what your doing before you do it to others! I'm not the girl you picked on anymore! I'm changing now and you're gonna like the new me! I don't know what I did to make you hate me but..." I then feel Jc push me against the wall and kiss me softly. I looked at him shocked and push him off me. He looks at me and lays back down on his bed. I walk out of the room shocked, closing the door behind me and walking into my own room.
"So my bully is my foster brother...and my foster brother kissed me"
I change into short shorts and a tank top. I lay in bed putting the covers over me

~~~~~Author's Notes~~~~~
Hope you enjoyed. Sorry it sucked.

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