Chapter 10

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A week has passed by and its the night of the Halloween dance. I'm going as Karen from Mean Girls. I know it's dumb but it was last minute. As I'm finishing straightening my hair I see Jc through the mirror and laugh.
"What are you suppose to be?" I smile and grab my mouse headband ears and turn around.
"I'm a mouse. Duh." I say pointing to the mouse ears on my head. Jc just looks there confused.
"If you saw mean girls you would get it." I say grabbing my small purse.
"Been in a Foster home my whole life." Jc says laying on my bed.
"Right. I'm sorry"
"Its fine."
"You're not going tonight?" I ask trying to change the topic
"No. Seems dumb"
"Alright. Doesn't end till 12 just in case you change your mind"
"Don't worry. I won't. Have fun" Jc says walking out the door to my room. Jc and I have actually gotten along in the house. No more fighting or bullying but at school is a different story.

I feel my phone vibrate and see a text from Victoria telling me she's outside. Victoria is a friend I met during the meetings for the Halloween dance. We've actually got really close friends. I had told her everything about Jc being my bully, then him being my foster brother, then him kissing me, then being mean and now being nice. She thinks he's bipolar. Normally I wouldn't tell anyone this but she is a person I can trust no matter what.

I walk out and see her dressed up as the Halloween Regina Jorge.
"I swear it's like your psychic or something" She says laughing.
"Come on. Let's start walking to the school" I say as we start walking heading to the school gym.

We soon get there and people are dancing every where. I see different costumes. Some cute. Some funny. Some weird. I smile really proud of what me and the people that helped did. Victoria pulls my arm and we start heading to the back of the gym. We go out through the back door and we see the people that helped out in a circle. Victoria and I sit in the circle and a guy dressed up as a drag queen comes to the middle.
"Okay. So we're going to play spin the bottle." He says placing the bottle in the middle and I look at Victoria.
"I don't think I wanna play."
"Oh come on Cassie please. You have to live a little it's just spin the bottle"
"What if one of the staffs or the people at the dance?"
"All the staffs are too busy watching the kids and we are having someone stand on the other side of the door making sure no other kids come just the people that helped with the dance" I look at the guy dressed as a drag queen kiss a girl with angel wings.
"Alright" I say looking at the bottle.
"Cassie your turn"  I hear someone say and looks at a guy who looks like he belongs in the 80s.
"Umm...No thank you"
"Why? Cause it's not Mr.Rogers you won't do it?"  I feel anger rise in me so I go up to the middle and spin the bottle. It lands in Victoria and I look at her. I don't know what got a hold of me but I walk up to her and kiss her. I pull away a few seconds later and look Victoria. She looks shock and I look at the group of people who has their mouths wide open. I smirk at them and sit next to Victoria.

A few hours have passed and right now we're playing beer pong except it's with shots of Vodka. Again I don't know what has come over me tonight but I've been becoming a daredevil. I decided to play first but I don't even know how to play. I stand at the end of the table and sees the guy that made the comment to be me before on the other side of the table. I grab the ping pong ball and bounce it off the table making it go into the first cup. I see him drink it like nothing and then grabs the ball. He bounces it off the table and makes it in the first one too. I take the ball out of the cup and looks at it. I sigh and just chug it down my throat. As it goes down my throat I feel it burn a little and I groan. "Oh god that taste like shit" I say and throws the ball on the table making it bounce off and land in another one.

A few minutes later we finish it and of course I lose. I can barely walk or see at this point. All I see is blurry but it goes in and out. I look to my right and see Victoria walking of with another guy so I decide to head to the bathroom. I go in and notice there's no one in there. I go inside and do my business but when I was done and about to walk out I feel someone push be back in the stall locking it and pin me against the wall. I try pushing the person off me but it's head come close to my ear and a familiar voice says "calm down and relax Cassie" I listen to the person and it takes off it's mask throwing it on the ground and kisses my neck softly. I gasp softly and feel it's lips go around my neck. As the person is kissing my neck I tug on it's  long hair and look down. I see the mask on the ground and it looks like a masquerade mask. All I can really make out is it's half white and half black. I get out of thought when I feel the person suck on my sweet spot so I tilt my head up and breath out heavily. The person stops and turns around putting on the mask. The person turns around to me with its face down and says 'Sorry'. The person then walks out the girls room  while putting a black hoodie on his head and I stand there shocked thinking about what just happened.

I walk out the girl's bathroom and sees the 80s guy pull me to him.
"Hey Cassie. Why don't we drink more and you come back to my place" I laugh at me barely understanding what he's saying. I just see him hold out a small shot in front of me which I think is filled with water. I smile and drink down the shot. I feel the same burning in my throat and coughs a little. Nope. Not water. He hands me more and I just take a drink it. I slowly start to forget what's going on and as soon as I drink this last one he gives me I feel nothing left.

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