Chapter 25

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Jackie's POV

I see Cassie and Jc walking out the door thinking its a great opportunity to talk to Jc's mom. Just for me to apologize for the way I acted yesterday night.

I walk into the living room where she's at watching television. I sit next to shutting off the television facing towards her.
"I want to apologize for last night. I didn't mean to blow up like that I just got worried" I say in a gentle voice
"Why should you be worried though?" She asks out
"Because he's like a son to me and..." I see her laughing while standing up walking across the room.
"But he's not yours"
"He's still like a son to me. I take care of him. You know I feed him, buy him things he needs.."
"Yes I appreciate that but now I'm taking him back. He's my son" I stand up walking towards her mad.
"No. You gave him up for drugs and there's no way I'm letting him go with you. You're probably gonna use him to help you sell drugs!"
"Exactly but do you actually think he wants to stay with you guys? He would want to be with me. His real mom because that's all he ever wanted. A mom and son bond with his real mom." She says and I look at her shocked
"I thought you changed. We all did!" I yell
"Well then you must me fucking stupid Jackie. Even you're daughter is stupid and weak." I feel anger boil up inside me. I make a hard fist staring at her talking shit about my daughter. "Those scars she had on her arms. She is such a weak piece of shit just like..." I punch her in the face making her fall to the ground. She looks up at me while holding her face she then jumps on me making me fall to the ground punching me harder. I kick her off me making her hit the table dropping pictures all over the ground. She gets back up trying to punch me again but I grab her face punching it against my knee hard. She falls back holding her face while looking at me.
"You Bitch" She says. I smile hovering above her still holding a fist
"Thanks" I say punch her again but this time not stopping.

"Jackie what are you doing?!" I hear Jc yells but for some reason that didn't stop me until I feel two people grab me off of her.
"She's fake Jc!" I yell. I see Jc help his mom up while she's crying with bruises on her face but that just makes me wanna hurt her more. So I try to punch her just one more time...maybe a little bit more.
"Mom stop!" Cassie yell in front of me. I look into her eyes and shake my head yes to try and calm down. I look up seeing Jc hugging his mom. He pulls away and looks at me.
"How could you get in a fight with her Jackie. You said you would talk it out" Jc says to me. I look at him shocked. I move Cassie to the side walking towards him.
"I was but she said shit that made me mad and..."
"What kind of shit?" Jc interrupts me. I stay quiet trying to remember what she said.
"She still doing drugs Jc. She is just talking to you because..."
"Thats a lie. My mom told me she's been clean for 2 years and was trying to make it up to me and my other siblings" He says interrupting me again. I look at him kind of hurt and shocked that Jc doesn't believe her
"Are you saying my mom is a liar Jc?!" I hear Cassie yell pushing me behind her.
"I know my mom wouldn't lie Cassie" I look down about to cry but I close my eyes tightly trying to be strong. I look up back at Jc and Cassie.
"You hardly know her! I know I told you to forgive and trust her but you're doing it too quick!"
"At least she cares about me!" I can tell Cassie and I had the same shocked face as we look at him.
"And we don't?!" Cassie yells louder
"NOT AS MUCH AS SHE DOES! SHE CAME BACK FOR ME. SHE LOVES ME!!" It gets quiet for a while. There's nothing but silence after what Jc just said. I know what he said hurt us both because we gave him so much. When his mom left we took him in as our family. I've always wanted a son. I treated Jc like my son. I loved him like he was my own son.

"Justin honey I don't want you to live with these crazy people anymore. Please move back with me to Houston" Jc's mom says interrupting my thoughts
"What?" Cassie and I asked shocked
"Please sweetie. I have a few money I saved in the bank. I have my own job. We can live in the apartment I'm in. I'll still send you to school. We'll be together. Just me and you." Jc turns around messing with his hair confused.
"Like a real mother and son" She says. Cassie and I look at Jc's back scared of what he's going to say. I feel my eyes getting watery again. I really don't wanna lose my son. I just can't lose him. I feel Cassie hold my hand knowing I'm about to cry. We notice Jc turns back around looking at Cassie and I but then faces his mother and says...

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