Chapter 24

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Cassie's POV

I'm sitting down with my desk in front of me and my school work all over the desk. I'm trying to catch up on any of my missing work and homework. I've been working on this since I woke up and haven't stopped working ever since. I'm doing work so I can graduate and distract myself from the fight me and Jc had last night. I didn't mean to get him mad. We were just worried about him. I just home he doesn't hate me forever. I don't wanna lose him at all. I'm so deeply in love with Jc. I just wish I can tell him that.

I close my eyes and groan. My eyes hurt so much from just looking at words and numbers for the past 2 hours. I put my head down taking a 5 minute break. I was drifting off to sleep until I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in" I say with my head still in the desk.
"Cassie c-can we talk? Please" I open my eyes just laying in desk hearing Jc's voice. What did he wanna talk about? Was he gonna break up with me? If he is I better be ready to be heart broken.

I get up looking at him. He looks down.
"Let's go for a walk" He says walking out the door. I follow behind him noticing my mom in the kitchen.
"Jc and I are gonna go walk around. We'll be right back. It won't take long" I tell my mom. She nods her head with a smile. I walk outside the house Seeing Jc next to the car. I walk to him smiling then he smiles back.
"What did you wanna talk about?" I ask as we start walking down the street.
"I'm sorry for blowing up last night. I just got mad for Jackie and you getting mad at me and my mom. It wasn't her fault. I already had this talk with Jackie and she said it was fine. My mom and your mom are gonna talk"
"It's fine Jc. I'm sorry too."
"It's fine" He replies then it gets quiet for a bit.
"So my mom and your mom are talking right now?" I ask trying to break the silence
"Yeah. That's why I got us out of the house" I stop him from walking and look at him in the eyes.
"We're still together though. Right?"
"Yeah. Of course. I can never break up with you." I smile and hug him tightly. He hugs me back then kisses my head. We pull away smiling at each other.
"Let's play on the swings" He says and we run to the swings.

I get on one swinging myself but Jc gets behind me and starts swinging.
"Jc you're the best. Thank you"
"So are you beautiful" He says sitting down on the swing next to me.
"Let's swing and jump off to see who ever goes farther."
"Deal" I reply and we both start swinging our legs back and forth.
"Okay. 1...2..."
"3!" We both yell and jump off. I fall on my stomach with Jc right next. We both laugh finding it funny that we just did that. .
"I won babe" I say and he chuckles.
"Alright and your prize is this" He says hovering above me kissing me softly. I smile kissing him back. We both pull away looking at each others eyes.
"Lets go back home beautiful. They should be done talking by now" Jc says and we start walking back to the house.


We walk inside the house seeing My mom punching Jc's mom.
"Jackie what are you doing?!" Jc yells and we both grab her off of Jc's mom.
"She's fake Jc!" My mom yells. Jc helps his mom up as she's crying with bruises on her face.
"Mom stop!" I yell at her which calms her down. Jc looks at my mom shocked while hugging his mom.
"How could you get in a fight with her Jackie. You said you would talk it out" Jc says at my mom.
"I was but she said shit that made me mad and..."
"What kind of thing?" Jc interrupts her
"She still doing drugs, and she talking to you because..."
"Thats a lie. My mom told me she's been clean for 2 years and was trying to make it up to me and my other siblings" He says interrupting her again and I get mad.
"Are you saying my mom is a liar Jc?!" I yell putting my mom behind me.
"I know my mom wouldn't lie Cassie"
"You hardly know her! I know I told you to forgive and trust her but you're doing it too quick!"
"At least she cares about me!"
"And we don't?!" I yell louder
"NOT AS MUCH AS SHE DOES! SHE CAME BACK FOR ME. SHE LOVES ME!!" I look at Jc shocked at what he said.
"Justin honey I don't want you to live with these crazy people anymore. Please move back with me to Houston" The mom says interrupting my thoughts
"What?" My mom and I say shocked
"Please sweetie. I have a few money I saved in the bank. I have my own job. We can live in the apartment I'm in. I'll still send you to school. We'll be together. Just me and you." The Mom says. Jc turns around messing with his hair confused.
"Like a real mother and son" She says one last time. I look at Jc's back hoping he doesn't go with her. I hold my mom's hand noticing she's about to cry. Jc turns back around looking at me but then faces his mother and says...

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