Chapter 23

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Jc's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off. I shut it off and turn over seeing Cassie laying next to me. She so beautiful. I'm glad I have her back in my life. I kiss her head then decide to get up to get ready to spend time with my real mom.

Honestly I'm glad she's back and she told the truth. At least she's trying to fix her mistakes and take control of all the wrong she did. I forgive her for what she did but she will need to gain my trust. After everything she put me through. I went from house to house every day since I was a kid. I never got to have a normal life. I wish I had a mom, a dad and my siblings all in the same house just being a happy family.

I hear a knock on the door distracting me from my thoughts.
"Almost done" I reply to the knock and look at myself in Cassie's mirror. Pants, flannel shirt with converse and my messy curly hair. I look at Cassie through the mirror seeing her still sleep. I get a piece of paper and a pen from Cassie's backpack and write down.
'I went out with my mom. I wanted to say goodbye but you look beautiful sleeping. See you soon. -jc' I put it under my pillow hoping she'd see it. I miss Cassie on her head and walk out grabbing my phone. I walk downstairs seeing my mom by the door.
"Hey, Justin. Ready?" She asks.
"Yeah. Here." I give her the keys to the car. She opens the door walking out as I go out closing and locking the door behind me. I get in the car then she drives off.
"Where we going?"
"Out for breakfast then to six flags" She replies looking at me smiling. I look away out the window.
"So how's school? You seeing anyone? You know any girls?" My mom asks. I look at her noticing her wiggling her eyebrows. I laugh a little and decide to reply to her question.
"School is school. Just a bunch of bull and there is this one girl I'm dating" I say smiling thinking about Cassie.
"Is it Cassie?" I look at her quickly shocked while she is already looking at me.
"Don't worry Justin. I know that her name?"
"Okay. I know Jackie doesn't know so I won't tell her. Beside you and Cassie aren't actually siblings. Just as long as she makes you happy. I'm happy."
"Thank you" I look down feeling relaxed.
"You're welcome. Now tell me how did you guys meet" My mom says. I tell her everything about me and Cassie. How we met, our first kiss, how we broke up but got back together etc. By the time I know it we made it to 'I Hop'

"That's so cute. Except for you bullying her but cute. Have you guys said the 'I love you'?"
"Now that I think about it. No we haven't."
"Wow. I thought you guys would've by now but okay" She says opening the door for us. We get to a booth and look through the menu.
"I already know what I want. You Justin?"
"Yeah" I reply. A waitress comes to us taking out orders while she keeps looking at me and getting close. When she finishes she winks at me and walks away.
"You must get that a lot" My mom says
"You know. Girls flirting"
"Yeah but I don't care. I have Cassie. I Just blow then off"
"That's good" It gets quiet for a few minutes. I look outside the window trying to think of a topic to talk about.
"Yeah. So's life?" Bad topic
"You know. Alright. I've been 2 years clean. I saw Jaylyn, Joe Felix and Ava...but they didn't forgive me" She replies looking down messing with her hands with tears in her eyes.
"I forgive you. I do just try getting my trust back and maybe we can have a mother and son bond again."
"Thank you Justin. I hope so too." She looks at me and holds my hand.
"You have your dad's eyes." She says looking into my eyes. She smiles pulling her hand back to wipe her tears away. She chuckles a little bit.
"I'm sorry. You would've thought after so many years I would be over him...But I guess not" I can tell she's trying not to cry so I go sit next to her and wrap my arms around ger, comforting her. She cries harder on me and I try calming her down. I never realized how much pain she's in. I honestly didn't think she'd be in this much pain. I feel kind of bad for hating her all my life.

The waitress comes back with our food and drinks setting them down in front of us. My mom sits up and wipes her tears with a napkin.
"I'm sorry. I'm ruining our day" She says putting the napkin to the side while I move across from her.
"No its fine. I understand."
"Thank you Justin."
"Lets eat shall we mom" She laughs a little and we both start eating our breakfast.


We finally get to six flags and I see all the rides.
"So mom. You ready to ride all the rollercoaster with me?"
"You bet I'm ready" She says and we both run to the entrance ready to spend time with my mom.


We unlock the door to the house quietly trying not to make a sound since we came home late. As soon as we walk in the lights turn on and we see Cassie and Jackie.
"Where the hell did you go that you brought Jc home late?! We both were worried sick. We thought you kidnapped him taking him with you! We almost called the fucking cops!" Jackie yells grabbing my arms and hugging me tightly.
"I'm sorry Jackie. We went to six flags. We stayed there the whole day and they had fireworks at 11 so we decided to watch them. After that we had went out for ice cream. It's my fault. I'm sorry." My mom explains.
"It's Ms.Gonzalez to you. Don't ever call me Jackie. Next time you wanna hang out with MY son bring him home early." Jackie says holding on to my hand. I see my mom getting mad while looking at our hands connected. She closes her eyes, breaths calmly and open her eyes with a smile.
"Alright. Ms.Gonzalez." My mom says walking upstairs. Jackie was about to go up there but Cassie stops her.
"Mom. Just let her stay one more night" Jackie looks at Cassie mad but she turns around and walks back to her room. I look at Cassie and she looks down walking upstairs.

"I mean. You can't be mad at me. Right? Just for spending time with my mom" I ask Cassie taking off my shirt throwing it to the corner in her room.
"I mean. You're mom cames back out of no where and we didn't get a text or call on where you guys were at. I mean we thought she took you back to your hometown." She replies laying down.
"But she didn't Cassie and our phones died. How are we suppose to text you with our phones dead"
"You still Could've told us when it was close to dying." I grab and blanket and pillow and walks to the door.
"Where you going Jc?"
"I'm sleeping in the couch tonight. I don't wanna be here if you keep thinking my mom is a bad person"
"Mom? Jc you barely know her. She came back into your life barely yesterday!" Cassie says raising her voice.
"And that doesn't mean shit Cassie! You told me to talk to her! To forgive her! And what now you're telling me not to?"
"Thats not what I'm saying J..."
"THATS WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE CASSIE!!" I yell kind of mad. I was out of the room slamming the door. I see my mom rush out her room staring at me.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Just a little argument" I reply.
"I heard it all. Im sorry. I'm ruining everything" She says looking down.
"You're not mom. You're fine. Get some rest" I reply. She smiles hugging me. I hug her back glad I have my mom back.
"Go to sleep mom. I'm really tired after today." I say pulling away from the hug tired.
"Alright sweetie. Goodnight."
"Goodnight" I smile walking down stairs laying down on the couch. I try to get comfortable for minuted but can't. I sigh and just close my eyes hoping for a better day tomorrow

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