Following Hanabusa's angry gaze his cousins Ruka and Akatsuki took notice of the moment unfolding between the pureblood and his cousin.

Time seemed to freeze as the staring competition went on between the Kuran heir and the Shiki heir.

It looked like they were openly challenging one another.

Various questions and thoughts roamed the minds of everyone.

But at last only disappointment came for all those who expected something between the cousins to befall. Nothing really happened; their long completion of stare came to an end when the pureblood just averted his gaze like he was bored and diverted his eyes towards the window.

The pureblood may have looked away but Senri did not remove his eyes from his form. He stood there for a while and watched as the pureblood's longing gaze looked out the window...

And there was no need to guess whom he was watching...

"No matter the effort I will not let Aiyora's heart be broken again by the likes of you..."


It's been a while, close to two months, since the night Senri showed up at the Shiki manor out of nowhere and caught the Kuran heir red handed in his lies.

The pureblood always lied to everyone, especially Takuma, telling him that he was going to attend the council meetings when in reality he was actually visiting his fiancée.

Kaname's reason for lying to the Ichijo heir was simple, Takuma was one of those who did not approve of his actions knowing all too well where his feelings actually lied. And on top of that in Takuma's eyes he was the wrong one, he was the villain in Aiyora and Senri's fairytale. It frustrated the pureblood to no end that his so called friend never tried to open his eyes and see things from his point of view and understand his reasoning...
He too was doing it for fairytale, not of Senri and Aiyora's, but of his and Yuki's. He was working towards to make that love story successful which was always meant to be...

The car pulled over in front of the main entrance of the Shiki Residence.

The driver came out and held the door open. Moments later Kuran Kaname stepped out.

Without wasting a moment he started to climb the stairs. It's been a while since he was last here. In fact ever since Senri's surprise appearance that night Kaname hadn't even been anywhere near the Shiki manor till today...

But here is the thing though...just because he did not visit, does not mean he hadn't been keeping in touch with Aiyora. He made a wrong calculation once, he cannot afford to repeat the same again. As a matter of fact he can't afford any mistake at this point, especially after her bold ultimatum!

Even the tiniest mistake bears the possibility of bringing in catastrophic result.

Prove yourself worthy of me... the insides of him still quaked every time as he remembered that challenging look, those glint in her deep blue orbs that she wore as she spoke those words to him.

During these long absence he phoned almost every other day and made- no tried to make long conversations with her. But the calls never lasted more than five to seven minutes, because Aiyora from her side always made sure to cut it short. Every time she had an excuse ready at the tip of her tongue.

The common ones being... tired, hungry, it's past my bedtime, sleepy, not in the mood to speak or have to go study. There was barely any effort from her side. Nor did he receive any appreciation for his efforts. Once she even dared to hang up the phone on his face and next time blamed it on poor telephone connection. Her audacity surprised him.

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now