Once Upon A Glade~ Minho (Part Two)

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"Minho's coming in now!" Nick announced as he barged through the doorway. The gladers around you scattered, each one jumping right back into the hole to the basement where they lived. Of course they wouldn't plan on telling Minho about the sevret living quarters beneath the hut, but you were going to tell him you were wandering from place to place each night, conpletely hidden, to keep the boy's secret. But, they told you to meet him in the shed.

"Good luck Y/N!" Fry shouted as he descended into the hole, leaving you alone in the little shed. The boys had dressed you up in the nicest clothes that they owned, (and although the pants were slightly scattered with dirt, they were a step up from your usual attire. They had given you light brown dress pants and a spotless white button down shirt. Chuck had even given you a golden chain for you to wear around your neck (you still don't know how he got it anyway).

The door swung open and in came Minho, breathing heavily. When his eyes set on you, they widened and he rushed over to you. His muscular arms wrapped around you in a tight, welcoming embrace that made your heart flutter. You rested your head against his broad, muscular chest and wrapped your arms around him as well.

"Oh, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, I thought I'd lost you," he whispered. He allowed his hands to glide through your y/h/c locks.

"Well I'm okay now," you said, looking up at him. You were momentarily taken back by the beauty of his icy-blue eyes.

"What did Ben do to you?!" He asked, pulling out of the hug urgently. His eyebrows furrowed as he studied your arms, then your face, then lifted up your shirt to reveal your stomach. Upon seeing the cut in your side left from the battle, he grunted with anger.

"Oh, come on, Minho. He did it to save me," you tried to explain. You pressed your hand against his cheek and guided his head back up to your face. "he was being mind controlled and he broke out of it. I actually wouldn't be here if not for his strength."

"I know, I know, just... god, Y/N, I'm so glad you're okay. I was worried sick," he muttered. He dipped his head and covered his face in his hands. "I was losing my mind in the map room, like, ten minutes ago worrying,"

You grabbed his cheeks again, guided his head upwards, and then planted a kiss on the very tip of his nose. He tensed up beneath you, but he didn't pull away.

"No need to dwell on that now, Minho. I'm perfectly safe."
"JANSON!" Ava screamed from her office. Janson groaned loudly. What in gods name is she pissed about this time? He dropped his things and for the second time in three days, hurried into the observatory.

"It's nearly nine o'clock at night, Doctor. What could possibly be-"

"Y/N is alive!" she shouted at him. She picked up a coffee cup and hurled it at his head with a grunt. He ducked out of the way just in time, and the glass shattered against the wall behind him. "Do you understand what I'm saying?! She. Is. Still. Alive!"

He felt a smile tugging at his lips, and he couldn't help but snicker. Paige was completely insane.

"Doctor, go to bed," he muttered, rubbing his eyes as he left the room.

"Get your ass back in here before I kick you out of this department."

He groaned once again, then re-entered. With a scowl, he took the chair at Ava's side. It was the same time in the glade as it was there- what the hell could have happened?

"Alright, only a few minutes ago, Minho left the map room and ran right over to the garden shed. What's in the garden shed? some of the other subjects are living there in secret. He was in there for about ten minutes, and when he left, look at the expression on his face-"

TMR Imagines and Preferences - Newt, Thomas, Minho, and GallyWhere stories live. Discover now