You Fight pt 2 (Make Up)

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Thomas: The soft knocking on the door signaled that Thomas was finally ready to confront you about what happened earlier. You ignored him, wanting nothing more than to be alone with your feelings.

"Can I come in?" He asked at the door.

"Did I say you could?"

"Okay, whatever." He groaned. The sound of footsteps showed that he ignored your clear rejection of his company. There was another set of footsteps, too, and you knew that they were Teresa's.

"Why is she in here?" You snarled. Teresa looked guilty.

"I don't want any trouble. Thomas isn't cheating on you, I swear." She explained, sitting on the edge of the bed. You scoffed.

"Your word means absolutely nothing to me."

"Maybe mine will?" Thomas said, stepping closer to the bed. "I was telling her about these bizarre dreams I've been having. She's in them, saying 'W.I.C.K.E.D. is good' and all this other crazy stuff. She's having similar dreams, and we may be telepathically connected. We aren't dating."

"Do you trust us?" Teresa asked. You looked at Thomas, who you knew would never lie to you, nor would he ever replace you with Teresa.

"Yes, I do. I'm sorry, Thomas." You said, getting up and wrapping your arms around him.

"Don't worry about it." He said, planting a kiss on your cheek.

Newt: You sat on your brother's hammock and sobbed, your face buried on your hands, your hands soaked from catching all of your tears. He was long gone and was probably being eaten by a griever at that moment.

Arms wrapped around your shoulders. You knew immediately who it was; Newt, coming to comfort you. But you didn't want his sympathy; you only wanted him to go away.

"Get the hell away from me." You demanded, not lifting your head to look at him.

"Y/N, just bloody listen to me!" He pleaded.

"Why should I? My brother is dead and you could've saved him!" You stood up on the bed so you were at Newt's eye level, finding the courage to look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay? Bloody hell, I can only apologize so many times. I should've been more sympathetic in the beginning of this all. I should've made this easier for you, instead I made it so much more difficult, and that's not what boyfriends do." Newt explained, rubbing the back of his head. Then, he reached out and took your hand. A small part of your mind told you to pull away, but you couldn't find any reason to be angry at him after his apology.

You sat down on the bed, lowering your head again. "I'm sorry, too." you said. "I shouldn't have been so unreasonable. You were only trying to protect me."

Newt sat down in front of you and cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to meet his eyes.

"I forgive you, but you don't need to apologize. I was being inconsiderate." He mutters, putting his forehead against yours. After a moment of silence, he pulls away from you.

"Ben was my friend. He was kind, funny, and smart as a whip. I'm surely going to miss him. But we can't let his loss tear us apart. He was so proud of you."

Tears fall once again. But unlike the first time, Newt was there to wipe them away and tell you that a lovely girl like you shouldn't be crying.

Minho: you were sitting in your room, the furniture toppled over, your clothes on the floor. There were shards of broken wood and glass everywhere. You were sprawled out on your bed, thinking of more ways to let out your anger aside from trashing your room any further.

TMR Imagines and Preferences - Newt, Thomas, Minho, and GallyWhere stories live. Discover now