Tear Shed

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Tear Shed

My eyes sting.

I want to cry.

The tears won’t fall.

They just sit there…

...Waiting to fall.

I can’t seem to cry when I want to the most.

I don’t seem to cry when I feel like I should.

I seem to cry when I  don’t really want to.

I seem to cry at the worst times.

It seems all to easy to push them back.

When will they fall?

When will the tears com filling over for real?

When will they no longer be a tease?

This has happened once before.

Instead of being filled with tears,

I ended up filled with guilt.

Why couldn’t I cry?

I took years for the tears to once again flow.

Now they have stopped once again.

How long will it take this time?

How long will it take for my tears to truly return?


I guess you would say this poem was inspired by my thoughts.

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