The Rishta

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"10 runs needed on 2 balls!" These next 2 balls will decide who will be called world champions for next 4 years? Whether homies Australia will keep the World Cup or visitor team India will take cup to their home?"

"we all know that Indian captain is very well capable of leading the team towards win from here...he had done it so many times in past"

"yeah right! But tonight the circumstances are different. The whole pressure is on him. He has to play big shots on both balls..."

"Well with the shaky start India had...who had thought of seeing this time in Finals but the Indian captain shocked us as he led his team to finals thrashing every other team and I have a feeling he will shock us all again tonight"

The whole stadium was cheering ever so loudly for their favorite player. So many Indians have come to watch the match that it doesn't felt like they were in Australia...more than a billion people were counting on him tonight...he is just 2 balls away from fulfilling everyone's dream. He needs to play these 2 balls with all his might...if he failed he will be letting down too many people and he is scared...

He looked at bowler taking his position...he closed his eyes for a brief second...

"Captain, mann k haarey haar h..mann k jeetey jeet!" her voice echoed in his ears...opening his eyes he took a deep breath and tightened his hold on bat..

(If ur heart has already accepted defeat, u lose but if ur heart is determined to win, then u will win)

~6 months back~

The ball went flying outside stadium making India win against NZ by 6 wickets...the batsman removed his helmet and raised both his hands celebrating victory...

A whole lot of students were watching match sitting in college canteen...they burst in joy as India won the match...

"he is so hot" Prachi sighed as the camera panned on batsman's face...

Shefali too joined her in drooling over Indian skipper "look at his biceps...such a sexy body" a dreamy look reflecting on her face..

"I like his honey brown eyes more" Prachi replied...

Shefali nodded keeping her eyes fixed on screen "his jaw line is so perfect and his plush hair..have u noticed the golden streaks in his hair? He is looking even more handsome with those"


Shaking her head Arohi stood up "if both of u are done...shall we go for Mr. Mehra's class"

"oh no no! I can't miss his acceptance speech." Prachi chided

Shefali agreed with her "absolutely! His voice...Aru have u heard him...his voice is so husky"

Arohi groaned and sat back on her seat..."Leave them Aru...lets go to class" Danish said wrapping his arm around her shoulder...Arohi gave a mean look to both girls "am asking last time, are u both coming or not?"

"NO" they replied in unison..

Danish chuckled "I don't understand why u guys are so crazy about him? he is not even that hot.." And as if he had committed some crime both Shefali and Prachi looked at him dangerously...

"u don't even speak about being hot, Dhondhu" Prachi said sticking out her tongue at him..."He is the Arjun Singhania...captain of team India" before she could continue Danish stopped him...

"I know don't start ur drooling again...Aru lets leave...I swear if they say a word more I will quit watching cricket" he said dramatically...

Arohi giggled and stood up "see u guys later"

Arohi face palmed herself as she stepped inside her house and saw her father watching a news channel where bunch of cricket analysts were discussing about today's match...

"Papa...first u watch entire match then u even watch all highlights they show after match and then this also...!" she said shaking her head..

Her father laughed in response...she poured water in glass and sat beside her father listening to whatever those experts were saying...they were all praising Arjun's superb inning and off course gushing over his winning shot..

"so beta, What u think about this Arjun guy?" she heard her father asking...

"he is a good captain and batsman as well...he is a great asset to team and I think he can get us the World Cup! Hopes are really high from him" She said not paying much attention to her father as her gaze was fixed on TV...

As her father switched off the TV she looked at him confusingly..."what happened Papa?"

Clearing his throat he looked at her seriously "I want to ask something from u"

"What is it Pa?"

"First promise u will do as I say...and u won't freak out"

Arohi narrowed her eyes "u are scaring me" she chuckled..."anyway Papa...I always do whatever u say...don't I?"

Her father nodded..."if ur mother had been alive then she would have done this conversation" he heaved a sigh...making her even more confused "one rishta has come for u..." she looked him shocked and tried saying something but he gestured her to stop "he is son of my childhood best friend. It's a very good proposal for u...I know the family, they will treat u like their daughter...I don't know for how long I will be living but when I leave this world I want to be at least content that u r not alone"

"Papa...don't say like this...u are even going to attend mine kids and sanchit's kids marriage...u are going to live forever!" she said hugging his arm...

He laughed "Nothing is forever beta..." she gave him angry glare "okay ! okay ! I know u r 20 and kids these days don't want to get married at this age but will u at least meet the guy tomorrow?"

Arohi nodded with a halfhearted smile...

Her father stood up patting her head "Thank u...I'll let u know the time and place"

"hey Pa...What's the name of guy and what he does?"

Her father looked at her with a sheepish smile "Arjun Singhania, Indian cricket team's captain"

Arohi's eyes grew as wide as sausages...

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