Special Chapter- "First Love."

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"You're creepy." Lynda shot her eyes at me.

"Maybe she has a thing for nerds." commented Zen.

"Okay you guys can shut up now." I said getting irritated.

"Did you confessed to him?" Ayu asked.

"Hell no! He would have definitely freaked out and I didn't had the guts to." I chuckled. "Okay now my turn is over. Let's roll the pen again." I smiled.

"This might get interesting." Ayu said. We rolled the pen....

It was Jamie's turn.

"Leave him. There's no way a player like him can stumble across true love." Ayu rolled her eyes.

"Why do you have to label me as a player everytime? I too had a first love you know." Jamie defended himself.  Seriously sometimes these two behave like an old couple because they seem to know each other way too well. Suspicious indeed.

"First love? Really. I thought you lost count of how many lovers you had." Zen mocked at him.

"Do you two really think of me like that? Hey Ashima say something." he said waiting for me to say.

"Um! Let's just give him a chance to say okay? So who was the lucky girl." I tried to help him.

"Please don't laugh at me okay." he said looking down.

"Hmm...was it a teacher?" Zen asked.

"His cousin." said Ayu.

"A Boy." said Lynda and I put my hand in my mouth.

"SERIOUSLY?" Jamie yelled and everyone bursted out laughing.

"We were only kidding you fool. You can start your story now. We wanna hear it." Zen said and somehow managed to convince him.

"I was in eight grade. I met this girl on the internet  through mutual friends. It didn't took time for us to get open with each other. We texted each other whole day and sometimes we even pulled all nighters. It was crazy. That was the very first time I had a crush. She was clumsy, bubbly, someone who always smiled. After three months we decided to meet in person."

"Go on.." said Lynda getting interested.

"I bunked my school that day to meet her. Her city was two hours away from mine. When I saw her in front of me... it was like I realized that she existed. We spend the day together until evening. She didn't wanna go but I had to push her since her place was far away. That was one memorable day. We started dating a month after that. We would manage to meet at least three times a month. It would either be me visiting her or vice versa. We always used to fool around the city like small kids. We had a great time. At that time I was just an innocent kid who would go as far as kissing a girl." he said proudly.

"Uhh! Is that word even in your dictionary?." Ayu rolled her eyes.

Like I said, this is getting more suspicious....

"Don't interrupt. We were in love and happy despite the long distance between us we managed it. Until after a certain time she sort of distanced away from me. Like she would make excuses when I would tell her to meet and even ignored my phone calls. I asked her what was wrong but she just avoided it. I guess she got bored. The distance increased and our relationship just dried out. We eventually stopped talking. It was like our relationship was nothing but a sham. I found out that she had another boyfriend days after our relationship ended. It left me feel heartbroken and unwanted. That is why I tell you, serious relationships are a waste of time."

"Well...that was bad experience for a first love." I concluded.

"That's when you met Laura huh!" Zen said with a wicked smile on his face.

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