RvB MIA: Chapter 6

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Inside of a beaten-up building, Tucker finds Informant Guy.

Tucker: Okay! That's him.

You, Sarge, and Simmons walk up to Tucker and face Informant Guy.

(L/N): That's your kidnap guy?

Tucker: My informant guy!

Informant Guy: Actually, mes amis, my name is not Guy, it is pronounced Gee.

Tucker: Oh, right. Gee. Also, he's French.

Simmons: No kidding.

Informant Guy: Oui. What do you want, Monsieur Tucker?

Tucker: Well, we've got a Red Team member who's kidnapped, need some help finding him.

Informant Guy: Well, why don't don't you contact Guy?

(L/N): Aren't you Guy?

Informant Guy: Oui! I mean other Guy! One who handles kidnapping!

Simmons: The kidnap guy?

Tucker: I told you already! He's on vacation!

Informant Guy: Lucky prick... Okay, what do you have for me?

(L/N)He left this note.

You set the note on the floor.

Informant Guy: Ah, I see.

(L/N)Sound like anyone to you?

Informant Guy: Well, first of all, this person has terrible handwriting.

Simmons: It's not handwriting, it's a ransom note.

Informant Guy: No.

Sarge: No?

Informant Guy: Oui. No. This is not ransom note.

Simmons: Yes it is!

Informant Guy: He don't demand ransom. He just says 'demands coming', this is more like ransom announcment. Like, uh, how you say with the movies, that are coming out?

Tucker: A preview?

Informant Guy: Yes! Like that. One thing is certain though.

SargeWhat's that?

Informant Guy: Whoever wrote this note...

Simmons: Yes?

Informant Guy: ...has your friend.

Simmons: ...What?! We know that! That's the one thing we did know!

Informant Guy: Aha! See, Guy is right again.

Tucker: Best informant in the buisness.

(L/N)We came all this way to talk to this Guy-

Informant Guy: Gee! It's pronounced Gee!

(L/N)And this is all we get? It's a wild fucking goose chase!

Sarge: Well, I guess we'll never see Grif again now, but, we also don't have to pay the Blues. I suppose I should try focusing on the positives. We'll never see Grif again.

As if on cue, Church, Caboose, Donut, and Grif start walking down the stairs toward you five.

Church: Hey, look who we found!

Simmons: Grif!... Also, Donut.

Donut: Hey guys!

Informant Guy: It's pronounced-

Informant guy lets out a frustrated sigh.

Informant Guy: Just forget it.

Guy leaves.

Donut: Blue Team says you guys were looking for us.

Sarge: For Grif! We got a ransom note that said he was kidnapped.

Donut: Kidnapped? No...

Grif: Yes!

Donut: We went shopping.

Grif: Donut went shopping, I got dragged along because I know how to drive!

Simmons: Let me guess, he promised to buy you a toy didn't he?

Grif: Maybe.

Sarge: Whaddya mean you didn't kidnap him? He said that you were making demands.

Donut: Yeah. We were demanding more time off. Remember?

Sarge: You cut up a bunch of letters!

Donut: Presentation is important.

Sarge: You said you would kill him!

Donut: I said we would kill him. Red Team. We're working him to death! Stress is a killer!

Sarge: Oh.

Simmons: But at least we found him now.

Donut: Hello, you mean found them.

Simmons: Huh?

Donut: Us. You were looking for both of us, right? Since we were both missing? You guys noticed I was missing too, right?

Donut's voice breaks.

Donut: Ri-right?

Simmons: Hey, uh, we should probably go home now.

Blood Gulch
Blue Base

Sarge and Simmons walk up to the Blues, with their equipment piled up behind them.

Simmons: I can't believe we did all of this for nothing. And lost all our gear!

Church: Yep. Suck it chumps!

(L/N): Hey Church, how are we gonna fit all of the Reds' stuff in our base? I thought we were outta room?

Church: What?

(L/N): Yeah, we didn't have any space in our store room, remember? That's how all of this stuff started.

Church turns to look at the base, which is filled up with crates.

Church: Ah damn it.

Sarge: Ha! Don't worry Blue, we'll take all this stuff off your hands for ya. Right Simmons?

Simmons: Sure, we'll take it back. Just let me get Grif and we'll move it all back.

Simmons looks around for Grif.

Simmons: Grif? ...Grif? Ah damn it!

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