RvB MIA: Chapter 1

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Don't mind me! Just adding in the mini-series here.

Blood Gulch
Red Base

Simmons pokes in and out of Red Base looking for Grif while Sarge happily sings from afar.

Simmons: Grif! Grif!

Sarge starts to sing to himself.

Sarge: Dododo. It's Friday, Friday, gotta' get down on Friday, hey!

Simmons: Grif!

Sarge: Everybody's looking forward to the weekend, weekend.

Simmons: Grif!

Sarge begins humming.

Sarge: Dododododo.


Simmons approaches Sarge.

Simmons: Hey... Sarge?

Sarge: Why hello there Simmons! What a fine morning! What can I do you for?

Simmons: Wow. You seem to be in a good mood.

Sarge: I am! I have been all day! Can't figure out why though. But I'm just gonna' go with it. Who knows why these things happen? You have to embrace them while you can.

Simmons: Hey, have you seen Grif?

Sarge: Dang it! I think I just figured it out. No, I havn't seen him.

Simmons: Yeah, me neither. And he's not sleeping. It's really not like him to be up and about this early.

Sarge: Yeah, It's only 1 PM. Did you check his usual napping spots?

Simmons: Yeah, I did. I checked the bunks.

Sarge: Check under the bunks too?

Simmons: And in all the foot lockers.

Sarge: What about that space between the mattress and the springs? Where he keeps those magazines.

Simmons: I did!

Sarge: Look in the mess hall pantry?

Simmons: Yeah, the food was all eaten, but he wasn't sleeping on any of the shelves.

Sarge: So... he ate all the food... but made it more than ten feet before collapsing in a food-induced coma! That really doesn't sound like him.

Simmons: I know, he could be hurt! He could be laying somewhere right now in trouble! He could even be dying! I'm worried, sir.

Sarge: What are you worried about?

Simmons: I'm... worried about all the stuff I just said.

Sarge: Well, don't worry Simmons. I'm sure that Grif is either perfectly fine, or he's dead.

Simmons: That seems like two extreme scenarios, sir.

Sarge: Not really, in either case, he'll just spend most of the day laying around and smelling bad. That effect on us is the same.

Simmons: You make a strong point, sir.

Blue Base

Caboose pushes out crates from inside Blue Base while you and Tucker watch from a nearby hill.

Caboose: Ah... ahh... ahhh... pushing. Ahhh... hernia.

Church walks up to you and Tucker.

Church: Guys! What the hell are these boxes doing outside the base?

(L/N): Don't ask me, Caboose has been pushing them all morning.

Church: Caboose! What the hell are you doing man?

Caboose: Ah. You told me to clean up the storage room.

Church: Yeah, but all these boxes can't be just laying around outside.

Caboose: Why not?

Church: What do you mean "Why not"? They're outside!

Tucker: He's got a good point, dude, the cases are water-proof. Who cares if they're outside?

Church: I told you to organize the crates. I told you to stack them in rows, remember? I said: "It's just like Tetris".

Caboose: Well I did stack them like Tetris. But every time I made full row, they didn't disappear like they're supposed to!

Church: That's not what I meant! That's not how it works, dummy!

(L/N): Actually that's exactly how Tetris works. What, you haven't played the game before?

Church: This is real life, (L/N)!

Caboose: The only way to win is not to play.

Tucker: Hey, Caboose, maybe you should try humming that Russian song! That might make 'em disappear.

Caboose starts humming.

Caboose: Dee dee dee, dee dee dee, deedeedee, deedeedee... Deedeedee, deedeedee!

Church: Stop that.

Caboose: Deedeedee, deedeedee deedeedee, deedeedee deedeedee.

Church: Caboose!

Caboose hums louder.

Caboose: Dee dee dee deedeedee dee dee dee! Dee Da Dai! Didon don dondondon... dondon!

Church: Caboose!

Caboose: Sorry...

Church: Okay come on guys, we can't just leave everything from the strorage room out in the middle of the lawn. Where are we going to put all this stuff?

Caboose: Well, the storage room is empty.

Church: Uh! Okay, great. Let's put it in there.

Caboose: And I'll get back to work! Deedeedee deedeedee dee dee dee.

Church: CABOOSE!

Caboose: Sorry...

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