Chapter 34: Reconfiguration

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Doc, Washington and the Meta are standing over a modified, sparking, Epsilon unit.

Washington: Great, he's done.

Doc: Why is it sparking like that?

Washington: This thing's been through a lot, it's pretty badly damaged. But now that it's a capture unit we just need to get it near Epsilon, and we can pull him in.

Doc: What if it breaks?

Washington: Don't worry, it'll hold until we get him. After that, it doesn't matter. It can short out for all I care.

Doc: Then what's the point of all this?

Washington: I just have to deliver Epsilon to the Chairman. I don't have to guarantee what condition, I deliver him in. He's just evidence anyway. Meta, grab him. Doc, get ready to move.

Doc: Move, move where? We don't know where they are.

Washington: We know they're not here. So gather your gear, and get ready to move out.

Doc: Well can we track them?

Washington: Track them?

Doc: You know, pick up a trail, like footprints.

Washington: Footprints. In the desert.

Doc: Don't special agents have the ability to track their targets through any kind of terrain? Follow broken tree branches-

Washington: Tree branches. In the desert.

Doc: Okay these are bad examples. Maybe heat signatures.

Washington: In the desert.

Doc: Like exhaust trails? I dunno.

Washington: Tell you what. Why don't you just stick to not understanding medicine? Don't feel the need to expand your sphere of ignorance.

Doc: Fine, jeez, I'm just trying to help.

Doc walks off as the Meta growls.

Washington: Him? Ah, he's always whining about something.

Washington begins to speak under his breath to the Meta.

Washington: Hey Meta, is there any way we could track the Reds by trying to pick up a trail, like a uh, heat signature- or something?

Meta growls again.

Washington: Yes. I know we're in the desert.

Freelancer Off-site Storage Facility

Church catches up to Tex.

Church: So, you back up to a hundred percent yet after your fight with Yang?

Tex: Yeah. And whatever I didn't learn from Caboose I've been able to pick up from the rest of the guys. Didn't take long.

Church: Yeah we really don't seem to do much.

Tex: Maybe you should get a hobby. Like knitting.

Church: We'll look into it.

Tex: Hey, how did you know how to bring me back?

Church: Honestly I didn't have much choice. I couldn't get you out of my head so I kind of... had to, get you... out of my head.

Tex: Wow, how emo. Maybe you can blog about it.

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