Chapter 44: What's The "I" Stand For?

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Freelancer Training Facility
Many years ago...

As the Mother of Invention flies through space, Washington and York stare downwards at the between of North's legs. As they look, they stay silent for 10 seconds.

Washington: ...I expected it to be... bigger.

York: Why? You've seen mine. It's small too.

Washington: Yeah, but he's green.

York: How does that even make sense?

North: Hey Wash? Quit staring. You're making it nervous.

Washington: Yeah, it's just... they're so small.

York: Small, yeah. But you wouldn't believe what it can do.

North: Besides, you better get used to it. You're gonna have one of your own soon enough.

South comes to see what they're all looking at, and scoffs as she sees what they were looking at.

South: Give me a break.

South walks away. North looks behind him.

North: It's alright, Theta. Come on out. People just wanna say hello to you.

Theta hides behind North's leg and peeks his head out to look at York and Wash.

Theta: I don't know. There's so many of them. And they're... big.

Washington: See! I- I'm not the only one who thinks size is important.

York: I'm just gonna let that one go...

North: It's okay Theta. They're all friends of mine... For reasons beyond my comprehension.

Theta appears above North's shoulder.

Theta: They're looking at me.

North: That's because they want to meet you. This is York and Wash.

Washington: Hey there little... computer... dude.

York: Give it a rest, Wash. Theta, I have a friend just like you. His name is Delta.

Theta appears in front of York.

Theta: Really?

York: Yeah! Here, yo- you wanna say hello to him?

North: Um... York?

York: It's okay, man. Just for a second.

Delta appears in front of York and Theta.

Delta: Hello Theta. I am Delta. It is nice to meet you.

Theta: Hello.

North: See? Everybody here is nice. Isn't that right, Delta?

Delta: Agent North. I do not feel qualified to make a judgement about humans with whom I have only limited experience. Also, nice is a rather subjective term for-

York: Delta.

Delta: Oh yes. Everyone here is... nice... within standard acceptable deviations.

York: Delta!

North: And that's my sister over there, South. We're twins.

South leans against a wall, watching them.

Theta: I have a sister.

Washington: You do?

Theta: We have many siblings.

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