Chapter 29: This One Goes To Eleven

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Freelancer Off-site Storage Facility

~ Jeff Williams - Agent Tex ~

F.I.L.S.S: Alarm, security breach, level Alpha. All personnel report for duty. This is not a drill.

The Reds are running in fear from Tex, while Caboose and Team RWBY are in a control room overlooking it.

Simmons: Run!

Grif: Oh, crap! Where is she?

Simmons: I don't wanna die!

Ruby: Sheila, we have to help them!

F.I.L.S.S: Help who?

Ruby: The Reds! Tex is attacking them, we have to stop her!

F.I.L.S.S: Stop Agent Texas? Oh no, absolutely not. We should never interfere with an ongoing battlefield simulation test. Our job is to observe and document.

Weiss: But she'll kill them!

F.I.L.S.S: Oh, that would be wonderful! What a successful test!

Weiss: We won't allow her to kill them, we have to stop this ourselves!

But before any Team RWBY member can try to stop the match, F.I.L.S.S. stops them.

F.I.L.S.S: I am sorry, but interfering with the match directly will be responded with lethal force.

The Reds are panting and laying around, while Simmons leans one of his arms on a wall.

Sarge: We need to keep moving, men! Come on, double-time! Hell I'd settle for single-time!

Simmons: Maybe we should just fight. I'm afraid she's gonna start picking us off one by-

Suddenly Tex punches right through the wall and grabs Simmons by his throat.

Simmons: -one!

Tex then pulls him towards her, slamming his face into the wall, then steps back and kicks it away, sandwiching Simmons between the wall and a pile of crates. Quickly, Sarge raises his shotgun and points it at Tex, but she darts forward, lifts the gun up just before he fires, then punches him in the stomach and flings him towards Grif. Sarge stumbles forward as he is thrown and his helmet rams right into Grif's crotch, causing him to scream in pain. Suddenly, Tex barrels straight into them, crashing through a crate before flinging them into a pile of barrels, sending them scattering across the floor. Simmons emerges from the sandwich and runs for heavy armaments.

Simmons: Oh man, forget this! I need to get a bigger weapon.

Simmons arrives on the level below Caboose and Team RWBY, but still being able to be seen by them.

Simmons: What're you five doing, help us!

Caboose: How? The computer won't let me. She's mean!

Simmons: Push some buttons, I don't know!

Caboose: Buttons?! Oh man, I love buttons!

Caboose starts pressing random buttons.

Caboose: Beep bop bup boop beep bup boop!

A crate of large weapons tips over and drops them next to Simmons.

R(WBY)ed vs Blue: New ColorsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora