Chapter 28: Backup Plans

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Wash and the Meta aim their guns, ready to shoot.

Washington: Alright Meta, get ready. Fire!

Washington tosses a grenade, and the Meta fires his Brute Shot.

Washington: Huh, well that actually seemed to work.

Doc is no longer stuck in the cement slabl, pieces of debris around him.

Doc: ...Ow!

Washington and the Meta walk up to Doc.

Washington: Doc, how do you feel?

Doc: Uh okay I guess, all things considered- hey does anybody know where we can find a good medic?

Washington: I don't get paid enough for this.

Washington walks off as the Meta watches. The Meta takes a glance at Doc before also walking away with a growl.

Doc: Jeez, tough room.

Freelancer Off-site Storage Facility

Red Team has successfully made it inside the facility.

Grif: I told you that stupid plan wouldn't work.

Simmons: That's because you said your name was Agent Pluto!

Sarge: Heh, luckily we had the old contingency plan to fall back on.

Grif: Sarge, shotgun in the face is not a contingency plan. I keep telling you that.

Outside, FILSS' damaged monitor outside the base on the tree can be seen.

FILSS: Hhhhhhello, this is a private facility. Hello, this is a private facility.

Back inside the facility, with the Reds.

Sarge: Don't be so quick to judge, Grif. Shotgun in the face can be applied in a variety of tough situations. For instance.

Sarge aims his shotgun towards Grif.

Sarge: Watch how quickly it cures insubordination.

Caboose's voice can be heard by the Reds.

Caboose: Oh no!

A loud crash, like shattering glass can also be heard.

Simmons: What was that?

Sarge: It came from down here. Come on.

Sarge heads down the towards Caboose and Team RWBY with Grif and Simmons behind him.


One of the aliens is drawing something in the sand. Washington, Doc, and Meta walk up behind them to observe.

Washington: I don't like this.

Doc: Look, I talked to them. They're gonna draw us a map and show us where Epsilon went. After that, you can let me go.

Washington: You sure that's what he's doing?

Doc: Well, my Alien to English is a little rusty. I would suggest we get one of those translator balls, but we got enough jerks around here already.

The Meta growls.

Washington: I agree. We should just kill most of them, the last one left alive will talk.

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