Chapter 12: Well Hello

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Third Person P.O.V.

Donut is running around cleaning the Blue Base, humming and singing to himself.

Donut: Man, Blue Team sure can make a mess for just one person. Although, I guess they were trying to make another person, which technically would make this a mess for three people. I think Caboose would be a great dad. I wonder if I should have a kid? I never really thought I wanted one.

A figure in white armor appears around the corner behind Donut and gets closer to him.

Donut: But as I get older, I start to think something is missing. Aw, I hope I didn't wait too long. I've been so focused on my career and having a good time, maybe it's too late for me! Oh great, now I sound like my mother!

Donut turns around and notices the figure in white behind him.

Donut: Oh, hi there! You scared me! I didn't know anyone was over here at Blue Base.

The other doesn't reply.

Donut: Strong silent type, huh? That's cool. Don't mind me, I'm just keeping the base a little tidy.

The other still says nothing.

Donut: Yeah, a clean base is a deadly base. That's what Sarge always says. Sarge is our commander. You'll get a sarge over here I'm sure, but he won't be like our Sarge, he'll be Blue!

The person in white armor has a white EVA helmet, white EVA chest piece, and a brown CQB left shoulder pauldron. The armor combination which only belonged to one former Freelancer, Agent Maine, or as he's now known, the Meta. (I'm going for his Revelation armor pieces) The Meta growls at Donut.

Donut: Man, the rest of the guys will be so happy to have someone to fight. They're gonna be so relieved to see you! What did you say your name was?

The Meta growls again.

Donut: Hm. Foreign, huh? Love the accent. Really works for you.

Donut turns around, and the Meta pulls out a pistol and aims it at Donut's head.

Donut: I should probably move this...

Donut obliviously ducks in time to dodge the Meta's shot. He gets back up.

Donut: Aw, don't worry buddy! I already checked their weapons. All good. But thanks for helpin'!

The Meta growls again, puts away his pistol, and takes back out his Brute Shot. Donut turns back around and attempts to lift the body beside him.

Donut: Ugh! This thing's heavy! Maybe if I grab the legs...

Donut moves to the side and again obliviously avoids the Meta's strike, which conveniently knocks the body to the walls.

Donut: Well, That was helpful, thanks! Where'd you get that kickass broom?

The Meta gets in front of Donut, growling, and aims his Brute Shot towards his head. There are motor noises emitting from outside the base.

Donut: Uh... do you hear that?

Simmons can be heard outside the base.

Simmons: Hey, Donut! Are you in there? Lopez built you a motorcycle! It's broken.

Donut: Hey! Yeah, Simmons! I'm inside the Blue Base! Guess what? Blue Team got a new soldier!

Simmons: What? They sent another team member?

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