Chapter 36: Standardized Testing

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An injured soldier on the ground looks up to see a black armored figure around three dead soldiers, and looks to his side and sees an Assault Rifle. He crawls to it and just before he can reach it, an armored hand picks it up. The soldier looks up to see who picked it up, and notices the person who picked it up has somewhat similar armor the black armored figure, but the armor is a navy blue color. The navy blue figure points the barrel of the gun towards his face, and fires, killing him.

(L/N): And it turned to be exactly like the last snow base.

Tex turns towards you while Church catches up.

Tex: Huh. Guess I missed that one.

Church: Wow. You took all those guys out at once? Was that really necessary?

Tex: Eh, they'll live.

(L/N): No... They won't.

Tex: Oh. Yeah, I see your point. Come on, let's get inside.

Tex walks towards the base.

Church: Ok. Man... Those guys got fucked up... What? Wait a minute...

Church has a flashback of Tex walking into Blue Base at Valhalla.

Church: Oh no...

(L/N): Hey Church, you okay?

Church: No, I'm just having another flashback...

(L/N): Is it Valhalla again?

Church: Yeah. Tex, hold on a second!

Tex stops and turns around.

Tex: What's wrong?

Church: Um... Yeah... Don't know if I mentioned this before, but I've kind of had psychic visions about this place. Yeah, I thought it was Valhalla at first, but I guess it turns out it was here... Probably should have told you this earlier.

Tex: Yes, you should have told me this earlier.

Church: Well I'm telling you now, does that count?

Tex: Do you think it counts?

Church: Nah, probably not.

Tex: You're not psychic, genius. You're just remembering. You've been here before.

You three enter the base.

Tex: Both of us were. This is where they moved Alpha.

(L/N): You mean this is where they moved Alpha after what you, York, and North did?

Tex: It was more than just us. After a few of us Freelancers went rogue, we compared notes and pieced together what they were doing to him. I convinced them to come back. Break him out. The project moved him here to try to protect him, so that they could keep experimenting on him.

Church: Woah... You were in charge of the break in?

Tex: I couldn't just let them destroy him. He was being tortured. The Director had even started to use some of the other AI against him. Think about that! Turning his own pieces against him? It's sick!

You walk around and find a computer terminal attached to the wall, similar to the computer terminal you all found at Zanzibar. Which meant Gamma was one of the A.Is that helped to torture Alpha. The words "Shisno" are on the screen, and you hit the computer terminal with the end of you rifle, cracking the screen a bit. You walk back to Church and Tex.

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