RvB MIA: Chapter 3

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Blood Gulch
Red Base

Red Team stand top of their base, calling to Command.

Sarge: Come in Command, come in!

Vic: This is Command, go ahead dude.

Sarge: This is Sarge, from Blood Gulch Outpost Number 1.

Vic: Oh! Hey, dude, riiight! Blood Gulch.

Sarge: Ah, you remember me!

Vic: Actually, no I don't. I was just faking. Said what you said. Hey, hold on dude, let me check you up in the old database here dude.

Vic taps away at his keyboard while humming away.

Vic: Ah, here we go, got your stats right here, Blood Gulch. Wow... you guys are terrible at everything!

Sarge: One of our soldiers have been kidnapped!

Vic: Kidnapped? You mean captured?

Sarge: No, kidnapped!

Vic: We don't really call it kidnapped in war, dude. Is there an enemy base nearby?

Sarge: Like Blue Base?

Vic: There you go dude, Blue Base. Yeah, let me...yeah... maybe you should check there. They probably have your dude, dude...

Sarge: Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?!

Simmons: That's actually a really good question, sir. You blame the Blues for everything around here. You blame them when our equipment's broken. You blame them when we run out of ammo...

Sarge: OK, Simmons...

Simmons: You even blamed them once when it rained!

Sarge: I get it, now shut up! I'm on the phone.

Simmons: You yelled at me and hurt my feelings. So suck it, sir.

Simmons runs off.

Vic: Hey dude, here's what I can do for you. Since you're a man down, I can send you some reinforcements.

Sarge: You mean like a Freelancer?

Vic: No way, dude. Those guys are expensive as hell. Plus, attitude!

Sarge: Well, what have you got?

Vic: How about a medic?

Sarge: You mean like Doc?

Vic: Yeah! Hold on, I'll see if he's available. Let me, uh, add him into the call here.

Vic taps away at the keyboard, humming.

Vic: Come in, Doc. Hello, Doc. Ring-a-ding.

Doc: Hello! this is Doc.

Vic: Hey, Doc. This is Vic from Command. Got Sarge on the line now, gonna connect you.

Sarge: Uh, hey, Doc.

Doc: Hi... Sarge. It's... weird to hear from you.

Sarge: Yeah... feel the same way. Listen, we have a kidnapped soldier over here.

Doc: Oh no! Who is it?

Sarge: Grif.

Doc: Who would kidnap Grif?

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