Chapter 7: Bon Voyage

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Third Person P.O.V.

Simmons, Sarge, Grif, Caboose, You, and Team RWBY are all standing outside Red Base next to the Warthog ready to leave to find Tucker, while Donut, Lopez, and Simmons are standing to the side.

(L/N): Wait, guys, I've now realized this but, in case we do get into a fight trying to rescue Tucker, shouldn't we get Team RWBY some armor or something? Blue Base doesn't have any armor since we used it all for Caboose's new "friend".

Sarge: Actually, we ran out as well with the amount of Lopez's that keep malfunctioning.

(L/N): Well, can't they just wear them then?

Sarge: Well, I made it so that nobody could get in, that way I made sure any Blue couldn't get away with a Lopez.

(L/N): Oh, well then just to be safe, I think they should stay here then.

Weiss: Hey! We can take care of ourselves!

(L/N): I know that hearing from wherever you guys come from, but, say you got shot or got injured just because you didn't have a piece of armor in battle, while you could just stay here in safety, which would you go with?

Weiss knew it would be safer to stay at Valhalla, since they don't have weapons or armor. She let out a silent "Hmph"

(L/N): Didn't you guys say you trained some sort of weapon over in your dimension? Maybe you can, I don't know, "summon" them in the Reds holographic chamber and train there? That should keep you busy until we come back with Tucker, and then I'll see if I can build something to get you guys back to where you came from.

Blake: Wait, why do you want to help us?

(L/N): Well, you're technically people caught in the middle of a war with no way to fight back, I'm pretty sure I would want to go home, somewhere I feel safe.

A brief moment of silence was between the group, as they all recalled what happened before they got here, knowing that "home", was not actually safe.

Ruby: Uh... yeah. I think we should go to do that training stuff...

Team RWBY then followed their leader downstairs Red Base to see if it was possible to bring out their weapons. The conversation then continued with the Reds and Blues.

Sarge: Get these water cans cleaned up while we’re gone. How much water do you need to drink, Donut?

Donut: I was in a desert! Don’t judge me.

Grif: Maybe we should learn from that and bring some water ourselves.

Sarge: Nonsense. It’ll just slow us down.

Grif: Slow us down more than dehydration? Or death... by dehydration?

Sarge: I don’t know, smartass. Let’s say we try! I’ll kill ya, and then I’ll dry ya out! Who wants Grif-Jerky?

Caboose: Ah, no thanks, I already had Donuts for breakfast.

Grif: …Wait, what?

Sarge: All right, let’s get going. Everybody packed?

Caboose: Yep.

Grif: Where’s your stuff?

Caboose: Oh, I only carry a washcloth and six toothbrushes.

Grif: I’m gonna assume that makes sense to you.

Caboose: Yeah, it does.

(L/N): I don't even know how he uses them...

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