Chapter 35: Check Your Local Listings

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Freelancer Off-site Storage Facility

You walk around the the facility, talking with Penny about the Freelancers.

Penny: So this Tex person, she was the top Freelancer at that time?

(L/N): "Was" and "at that time" suggest that she lost her top spot on the Leaderboard, Penny, but she didn't. The one who did lose her top spot on the Leaderboard was Agent Carolina, and she wasn't pleased with Tex showing her up.

Penny: How so?

(L/N): When Tex became the top Freelancer, Carolina did everything she could to get the top spot again, such as ignoring her teammates help from time to time, and even signed up to get implanted two A.Is into her head, a mistake she paid the price for gravely.

Penny: How gravely?

(L/N): When Agent Maine became the Meta and set out to collect all the Freelancer A.I, his first sights were set on Carolina's A.I.s, Eta and Iota.

You pull up a video from your helmet, showing a icy planet, a crashed ship, and the Meta menacingly marching towards an injured Carolina, and pulls her up by her neck.

Carolina: What are you doing?!

Carolina's helmet falls off, giving Penny a clear look how she looks like, pale skin, red hair, and green eyes.
Carolina's blood stains the snow as the Meta forcefully rips out her A.Is.

Carolina: No! NOOO!

Carolina's guttural scream dies down as her struggling body becomes motionless, and the Meta throws her off the cliff. The video ends.

Penny: Hmm... Intresting. Agent Carolina seems very similar to another person from my planet.

(L/N): Really, who?

Penny: Pyrrha Nikos. She looks very much like her, and even has a similar voice.

You begin to remember what Ruby told you, about how she saw Pyrrha die on top of a tower, and the tournament battle that caused much panic.

(L/N): Oh yeah... Ruby told me what happened that day...

Penny: I really do not have a single clue as to what made her do what she did. So Agent Carolina did not survive the fall?

(L/N): That is uncertain.

Penny: Uncertain?

(L/N): Nobody from Freelancer tried to see if she was dead, as they didn't go down the cliff. But, it was a pretty big fall, and it's very difficult to survive it.

Penny: What about the silver colored Freelancer, who is he?

(L/N): His name is Agent Washington, and if the Freelancers had a competition on who got screwed up the most by Project Freelancer, Wash would be able to win two times.

Penny: So what happened to him?

(L/N): The A.I assigned to him was Epsilon, the Church you see now. Epsilon was the Alpha's memories, so when he was implanted with Epsilon... he saw what kind of torture Freelancer put on the Alpha and freaked out, and after that Epsilon killed himself inside Wash's head, turning him into a stoic person.

You played another video, showing Washington lying on a medical bed, with two men in skinsuits and multiple surgeons around him.

Counselor: He is ready.

Director: Hand me the Epsilon unit, please.

Surgeon: Sir, Agent Washington is prepped for Epsilon A.I.

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