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You were a Blue soldier that was stationed at Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha, after the captain there had called for more men since one of them had died, they didn't tell you who or why though. Your armor had a Navy blue color and you were skilled with electronics, but those skills had little to no use in Blood Gulch. You were a pretty relaxing guy to talk to, which made you pretty quick friends with the Blue leader there, Leonard Church, but everyone called him Church, it was much easier to remember, and even better friends with the ladies-man of Blue Team, Lavernius Tucker. But when it came to the battlefield, you were a good soldier who could hold his own in a gunfight. Everyone at Blood Gulch saw that when you just walked straight into Red Base and captured their flag like nothing(you eventually gave it back to them, no point in keeping it). But there was something you just couldn't do and that was........ drive a military vehicle. You had spent a lot of time training with guns that you didn't train with vehicles. But no one knew that since there were no vehicles in Blood Gulch, which was a huge relief for you. During your time and Blood Gulch you noticed that Church's aim was horrible and you had offered to help him with his problem but he just said that he'd teach himself sometime...

He never did.

He kept missing every shot he took and every time he and Tucker went to spy on the Reds, he always had the sniper rifle even though his aim was awful and Tucker always insisted he take the sniper rifle "just this once", but Church always refused. A few weeks passed and another recruit by the name of Caboose was stationed at Blood Gulch and boy was he hectic. You had made friends with him pretty quick, not that you wanted to but he just wouldn't stop bugging you that if you would be his friend, in which you eventually gave into. Albeit he was a bit annoying, you enjoyed having the company of a lovable idiot (He also came with a tank). It was refreshing to have something to laugh at in the middle of a battlefield. And then a Red Team rookie managed to somehow steal the flag from Blue Base, Tucker went through the teleporter and didn't land on the other side immediately, he landed later at the other side with his armor covered in black stuff, Church and Tucker got cornered by Red Team and their new jeep, they ended up hiding behind a rock, Caboose was able to help by bringing the tank and able to scare the Reds away, but then he killed Church by accident, all in the span of you sleeping. You were able to get informed by Caboose, but he wasn't really making sense, so you asked Tucker and he told you the whole thing while having Caboose remove the black stuff off his armor. And then that's when Tucker called Blue Command and asked for more men,and you were given a Freelancer to help,and oh did he kick their asses. But not before getting a warning by ghost Church about the Freelancer, that Freelancers meant trouble and that this one was one hell of a Freelancer, he also asked to not have the Freelancer named "Tex" to help with anything, Ex: no fighting, no scouting, no nothing. He also told his experiences on the ice planet, Sidewinder, but not before being interrupted by Caboose two times. He also said Tex was the reason his girl and him never got married.
Actually, I think I'll just cut to the chase.
You had been with the Reds and Blues on all the adventures they had, helped another Freelancer named Agent Washington bring another Freelancer by the name of Agent Maine that was killing other Freelancers and taking their A.I.s. That was a hell of an adventure. And here you were, the Blue Army soldier stuck with the loveable idiot of Caboose, and the rest of Red Team, in Valhalla. I hope you enjoy this story, feedback is appreciated and will be duly noted to make this story even better.
I should also mention this is my first story so sorry if it is bad.

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