Chapter 23: Recovering One

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As you arrived where the Reds were, you noticed a wall with a huge hole in it, and on the other side, was Valhalla.

(L/N): Well this is convenient.

You drive through the hole.

Blue Base

Simmons: Oh no, improvise, improvise!

As the Meta charges towards them, Doc raises his scanner and pulls the trigger. Suddenly a blast of green energy shoots out from the scanner and hits the Meta square on the chest, sending him and his Brute Shot flying backwards against the wall. With an angry growl, the Meta gets to his feet, his armor sparking with green electricity, and charges at Doc. He feels his fist back as he goes for a punch, and Doc braces for it.

Ruby: Uh-oh.

The Meta starts to slow down until he finally slightly stops, his fist still moving.

Doc: Am I dead? Am I dead?

Yang: Doc, you did it!

Doc looks at the Meta.

Doc: He's frozen.

Simmons: No, it looks like you overloaded his time distortion unit. You must have caused some kind of inversion. Instead of making everything else slow, it made him slow.

Doc: Huh huh, yeah! Score one for the pacifist. How you like me now, Meta?

Ruby: Well now that's he frozen, we all should escape.

Weiss: Right, lead the way, Ruby.

As Team RWBY exit Blue Base, Simmons starts to think.

Simmons: Um, Doc? I wouldn't get too close to him if I were you.

Doc: Why, what's he gonna do? Beat me up over the course of the next two weeks?

Simmons: Well, technically he's not actually moving slower, he's moving at the same speed, just over a longer period of time.

Doc: Huh?

Simmons: It's relativistic. His fist still travels at the same velocity, we just view it from a faster timeframe. Therefore it looks slowed down, but theoretically, it should still carry the same force.

Doc stares at the Meta for a few seconds.

Doc: ...Nah, see? It's moving slower.

The Meta's fist finally connects with Doc's head, making a tiny "dink" noise, sending Doc flying into the wall.

Doc: Waahuaa! Ow!

Simmons: See? That's what you get for arguing with science. Stupid bitch.

Doc: Simmons, get me outta this wall.

Simmons: Hmm, how do I do this...

Simmons tries various postures to get Doc free.

Simmons: The fuck- uhh, Jesus.

Doc: You're not pulling from my center.

Simmons: Dheuh- from the center, what the fuck is the center?

Doc: Get down and pull from the groin.

Simmons: Euh-deu-kei- tsei- eih- eih- eih- eih-

Doc: Let go- stop rubbing at my head. Hey-

Simmons: Eah-

Doc: It feels like you're saving your strength. Don't save your strength.

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