Once Upon A Glade~Thomas (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

He needed a second opinion before he made any hasty decisions.
"I don't owe you anything. I won't tell you a single word about anything until you tell me why you stole me on my first night!" You shouted, your face reddening.

Gally's grip on your wrist tightened, but he dipped his head and took a deep breath.

"Revenge," he said, as if that explained everything.

"What the hell does that have to do with me?!" You shouted, trying to pull your arm out of his grip in vain.

"It has everything to do with you! You were, and are, a creator, Y/N! You shucking put us here, you watched us from the other side, you planned all of this with them. I saw you! This is revenge on you and all of those stupid shucking creators who sent you here to watch you prosper in the glade," he shouted. His face was contorted with an unnatural amount of rage that you'd never seen in him before, that made you tremble every time he opened his mouth.

"You think this really changed anything?" you asked. Gally grunted, as if your observation actually hurt him.

"No, it won't. But I tricked you the same way you tricked all of us before the trials. Now things are going to get worse. You did this to me, you brought this upon yourself!" At the beginning of his rant, he almost seemed calm, but by the end of the sentence he was shouting.

"Let go of me, you shucking creep! I will scream, and then the jig will be up!" You shouted, getting only inches away from Gally's face.

Gally chuckled, and what he said next nearly sent you falling to your knees.

"The jig is already up. Now I just need to finish what I started off the day I took you out of the glade.

The next thing you knew, Gally pulled on your wrist. You stumbled and fell into him. He twisted you around so your back was against his chest and his hand was clamped over your mouth, preventing you from yelling. You tried to run, but Gally wouldn't let go. You tried to yell for help from under his hand, but your scream came out as nothing but a high-pitched muffle.

"Just yesterday, you seemed so convinced that I was protecting you. Something changed. I know that someone was in here. I'm going to let go of your mouth now, and I want you to tell me who it was."
Thomas ran over to Adam, another builder who was working nearby. He called out his name as he hurried over. The broad-shouldered builder turned around with a smile, but that smile faltered when he saw how shaken Thomas was.

He finally reached the builder. He couldn't make out any words, he was breathing so heavily.

"God, greenie. What the hell is going on?" Adam asked, putting a hand on Thomas's shoulder as he caught his breath.

"I know you're a friend of Gally's," he managed to say in between breaths. "I need you to tell me what happened with Y/N."

"Oh, that? He just really hated her because he saw her during the changing. He spent the whole day trying to convince us that we had to banish her. I didn't really care about who she was, honestly, but Gally was really opinionated. Why?"
You shook your head. You loved Thomas, and you had since the moment you two met. You wouldn't sell him out like this.

"Tell me!" He jostled you, but you weren't giving up without a fight. You shook your head again.

Gally growled angrily, and suddenly you were being tossed onto the floor. Your arm ached, but you barely noticed. You looked up with widened eyes at Gally, who was shaking with rage as he glared down at you.

Then, he bent down, grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, and threw you across the hut into the wall. Your head got the worst of the impact, and you screamed in pain as you collapsed back to the floor.

TMR Imagines and Preferences - Newt, Thomas, Minho, and GallyWhere stories live. Discover now