"Simon,what did he have? A knife?" Negan ask

"He has a Hatchet" Simon says

"A hatchet?"

"An ax"

"Simon is my right hand man. Having one of them is important. I mean, what would you do without them? A whole lot of work. Do you have one? Maybe one of these fine people still breathing? Oh. Or did I," Negan makes a clicking noise. "Sure. Yeah. Give me his ax."

Simon hands Negan Rick's ax. I then realized that Simon is the first savior we met on the road. Negan then stands up and grabs onto Rick and drags him into the RV.

"I'll be right back. Maybe Rick will be with me. And if not, well, we can just turn these people inside out, won't we. I mean, the ones that are left." Negan says and throws Rick into the RV and slams the door.

We all stay on our knees till Negan and Rick get back. All I want to do is be in Carl's arms. But I'm afraid to move. I can hear some of the me. Say sexual things about me that really gross me out. I can tell Carl and hear them too. Every time a comment is said about me he makes a face. I can't bare to look over at the bodies. My eyes only go to Carl or the ground.

When Rick and Negan get back the sun is up. My legs feel numb from kneeling on them for so long. Negan pushes Rick out then drags him into the center in front of everyone.

"Here we are" Negan says "let me ask you something Rick, do you even know what that little trip was about?"

I look over at Carl and see his eyes move from his dad back to Negan. Looking at his dad like he's scared for him and Negan like he's ready to slit his throat.

"Speak when you're are spoken to." Negan states in a dull tone. Rick says something but I can't catch what it is. Then Negan starts to talk again. "That trip was about the way you looked at me. I wanted to change that. I wanted you to understand. But you're still looking at me the same damn way, like I shit in your scramble eggs, and that's not gonna work. So, do I give you another chance?"

"Yeah. Yes. Yes." Rick says

Negan pats Rick in the back and stands up. "Okay. All right. And here it is the grand-prize game. What you do next will decide whether or not your crap day becomes everyone's last crap day or just another crap day." Negan says. "Put some guns to the back of there heads."

I feel people walk closer to me and put a gun at my head. I take in a deep breath and look over at Carl. He looks at me giving me a look that says 'it's gonna be okay'. I let out a shaky breath and turn back to Negan.

"Good. Now, leave with there noses, so if you have to fire," Negan makes an exploding noise "it'll be a real mess. Kid." He motions to Carl to come to him. "Right here." Carl doesn't move "Kid, now."

Carl stands up and starts walking to Negan. Negan starts to take off his belt making me wonder what the he'll is he going to do.

"You a southpaw?" Negan ask Carl.

"Am I a what?" Carl ask back with an attitude.

"You a lefty?"



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