Chapter Twenty- eight

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Michael got wheeled straight to the surgery room when we arrived at the hospital. With the oxygen mask fixed on him he looked lifeless.
The police was right at my heels bombarding me with questions and jotting them down quickly.
I wanted to follow Michael to the surgery room but was stopped by the hospital stuff.

The police constant questions were suffocating me and I needed a way out. I kept looking at the corridor leading to the theater hoping against hope that Michael will be able to survive this ordeal.
The policemen finally left and I sat on the hospital's bare floor feeling defeated. This was partially my fault and I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to Michael.

I lifted my head up to see Tony and Nelly running towards me. She was in her nightwear and I could tell she rushed over immediately she heard the news.

" Oh Raquel. " She sympathised and bent to my level engulfing me in a hug.

I started crying whilst she rubbed my back in a comforting manner.

"He will be fine." She kept muttering as if she was trying to console herself whilst she handed me a handkerchief to blow my nose.

" Have you called your husband?" She questioned and I shook my head as an answer.

" Why not?" She questioned.

" My phone is spoiled and I don't have his number off head." I responded wiping my tears with the handkerchief.

"What about using  Michael's phone.?" She suggested, which made me check my pocket for it.

" It's here." I answered handing her Michael's iPhone x, hoping there is no password.

She looked through the contacts and dialled Dr Yeboah's number. She explained the situation at hand to my husband her head bobbing up and down to whatever my husband was saying.

"Here take it, he wants to speak with you." She said handing me the phone.

" Hello." I answered with my voice shaking slightly.

" Raquel how dare you put my son's life in danger?" He blurted out without enquiring about my health.

" What are you talking about?" I replied with tight lip trying my best to control my anger.

" You pushed my son in front of you to protect yourself from the gunshot." He retorted in an angry tone.

" I didn't do that, he pushed me out of the way to protect me. Something your son was a man enough to do.

" Damnit Raquel he is my only son, his life is important to me. " He replied, his tone increasing in octave.

"And I'm your wife so my safety  should be your priority." I spat out.

"You can easily be replaced but my son is irreplaceable." He stated like it was a simple old truth, not caring about my feeling.

" Your son is more manly in every way possible and he's very much responsible. I'm glad he is nothing like you." I harshly replied trying to hurt him more than he has now.

" What do you..." I didn't wait for him to complete the sentence before I ended the call.

"You look angry, was everything alright?" Nelly enquired with a sympathetic look.

" Nothing I can't handle." I replied with a sign.

"Hey guys." We all turned in the direction of Frank voice.

" Hey." We chorused with less enthusiasm.

Frank came to stand beside me giving my shoulders a gentle squeeze in an attempt to relax me. My mind was too tensed up so much so that the squeeze didn't have the necessary benefit.

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