Chapter Twelve

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Dedicated to GyanKy

Frank's Pov
I watched Raquel sleep soundly on the bed with traces of dried tears on her cheeks. Her soft hair was sprawled about all over the pillow and I felt the urge to run my hands through it and wipe away the tear stains from her flawless face. She cuddled the pillow, looking vulnerable yet beautiful.

How can a man bear to hurt a perfect beauty like her. If she was to be mine again, I would have held unto her for eternity. All along I thought she was in the marriage for the money but boy, was I wrong. The agony with which she bore her heart to me, made me realised how much she loved the man.

She shook with tears the moment she hugged me. Asking me whether she was ugly or if there was something wrong with her. The pain with which she spoke made me furious that I couldn't go back in time and changed things.

She slightly moaned and turned in bed, the covers moving away to reveal her thighs. She was in one of my shirt now and it fit her perfectly. Making me wish I could see her in it always.

If only I didn't leave her in the first place, this wouldn't have happen. Heck, I would have seen her in my shirt so many times and my scent will be lingering on her each time to show that she was mine.

I recalled finally being able to soothe her sorrows, by continuously holding her as she cried, telling her how amazing she was. Letting her know what a fool her husband was to ever play with her feelings. She had gradually quieten down, and I convinced her to change into one of my shirts since her dress was wet.

The ringing  of my phone broke my concentration on Raquel. It was Michael and I was wondering why he was calling at this time.  It couldn't be about Raquel since I knew he doesn't give a damn about her.

"Hello." I yawned tired from the emotional ordeal I just went through with Raquel.

"Frank do you know Nelly's house? " he asked urgently without  greeting.

"Nope, why do ask though?." I asked out of curiosity.

"Raquel left the house in the afternoon and we don't know her whereabouts."

"She didn't even have any money on her and her line is not working ". He worriedly explained.

"She is here with me. " I calmly explained trying to ease his worry.

"Put her on the line! " he demanded.

"Chill man, she is asleep." I chided.

"I'm coming over." he ended the call without waiting for my reply.

About ten minutes later Michael was at my doorstep impatiently ringing the doorbell.

"Hey man. " I warmly greeted without Michael responding as he walked right pass me.

"How did you get here this fast?" I asked in astonishment.

"I was already on the move when I called." He answered.

"Where is she?" he demanded.

"In my bed. " I told him pointing to my bedroom door.

A slight frown appeared on his face which he quickly masked.

"That is someone's wife you have in your bed! " he stated calmly but I could see the raging storm in his eyes.

"She came running to me when your father hurt her. What was I supposed to do? Turn my back on her?" I retorted.

" You should have brought her home when it was getting late. " He said with his jaws clenched.

"Since when did you start caring about  her?" I asked amazed at how he was acting tonight.

He run his hands through his hair. A habit he usually does when he is frustrated.

"I don't care what she does with her life, am just worried about my dad. " he said avoiding my eyes.

There was something different about Michael tonight and I couldn't place my hands on it.  He strode into the bedroom and I warned him not to wake her up. He nodded without second glance and I followed him into the bedroom.

I stood at the doorway and watched him intently as he gently lifted Raquel into his arms and made his way out of the room. I felt a pang of jealousy when Raquel nozzle closer to him in her sleep.

I made a sign to him to call me when they got home.  He nodded and placed Raquel in the seat beside him and I felt uncomfortable when he leaned over her to adjust her seat. I wanted to be the one doing that. Raquel stirred a bit in her sleep but didn't open her eyes.

They drove out of the house and I suddenly felt lonely and slightly uncomfortable about Raquel being in Michael's car. What the hell is wrong with you? I berated and reminded myself that she was his step mum and nothing could ever happen between them.

I laid in bed and felt the side where Raquel was sleeping some few minutes ago. The place was still warm and her sweet vanilla rose scent had mixed with mine producing one peculiar scent which was hard to describe but homely.  I rolled over to that side wanting to get a proper whiff of her scent.

My mind went back to today's episode exposing all the feelings  I had been trying to suppress ever since I  saw Raquel again back at Michael's house. I groaned trying to get my mind off the feelings she was evoking in me.
What was this girl doing to me.

Is someone falling in love with a certain someone?😁

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