Chapter Seven

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Dedicated to movie

I looked into the bathroom mirror trying to undo my disheveled look. I run my hands through my hair several times to make it look presentable again before walking back to the table.

"Raquel are you okay ?" Frank blurted out the moment he saw me.

"Yeah, I am," I replied nonchalantly.

Are you sure? He eyed me from head to toe.

"Your dress looks a bit crumpled and your hair looks different."He stated as a matter of fact, with a hint of worry.

"I said am fine," I replied firmly.

"Frank! drop it," Nelly chided.

She looked over at me, with her eyes screaming this isn't over. I nodded at her smiling softly.

"We were waiting for you to come before we cut the cake," she said.

"And here I am," I replied trying to act cheerful.

"I know you don't have the bone to ruin my day," she remarked.

We all laughed trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Now sing for me!" She commanded in a playful tone. I sang the birthday day song and the others joined in. The night went on smoothly from there and Frank offered to drop me home afterward. I hugged Nelly and Tony goodbye after presenting her with a gold watch and necklace, which she squealed when she set her eyes on it.

I walked into the house after Frank dropped me off. The place was dark and quiet. My bedroom light was still on when I entered.
Dr. Yeboah was asleep on the bed. I could tell from his sleeping position he has been waiting for me. I took my bath and changed into my nightwear, put the light off before slipping into bed beside him.

The image of me and Michael kissing invaded my mind and my hands involuntarily went to my lips as I tried to make sense of what happened. Was I under the influence of alcoholic wine or something? I began to ponder on it, nothing making sense to me. I finally groaned out of frustration, trying to banish the image from my mind.

I got closer to my husband and took his hands wrapping them around my waist and leaning more into him to ensure maximum contact. I needed to feel his warmth, to help conquer the torturing image that kept playing in my mind. In my mind's eye, this was the only way, I tighten my grip on his hand when he stirred in his sleep, refusing to lose contact with his body. This is where my body belonged and it needed to be reminded more than ever at the moment.

I woke up with a tap on my shoulder and a slight shake to the shoulder. I didn't catch much sleep and I was still feeling sleepy. I opened my eyes to see my husband's face.

"Hey, baby! Are you that tired?" Dr. Yeboah inquired.

I sat up in bed using the pillow for support.

"Yh I am," I replied frankly.

"Was everything okay yesterday with you?" He asked with a slight frown.

"Yh it was. why do you ask?" I questioned.

"You had a tight grip on me and I was finding it difficult to prey you away," He explained looking at me thoughtfully.

"I guess I was having a nightmare," I lied deliberately avoiding the real issue.

"I'm going to the student's graduation thanksgiving mass and will be back," He informed me giving me a peck.

I attempted to accompany him to his car but he told me to relax as he could see I was tired.

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