Chapter Fourty Five

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"How have things been with you and his father"?

I shrugged, "I️t seems like we've both been simply coexisting for the sake of AJ. He hasn't seen him in about two weeks due to tour prep and promo, so I took the initiative to fly home. Not only do I get to check on things at the shop, but I also allow Aubrey a chance to see AJ".

"Don't be so hard on him Kennedy, I know you".

I sighed, "Mommy, I promise I️'m not. At some point I️ have to prove to him that I won't always come running back, I️'m stronger than that. As the days go by, I️'m getting better at being alone and I actually like it. A month ago, I was asking him not to love another woman how he loved me but now I really don't care. I️t is what is is mommy, if it's meant to be then it will be".

She sighed, "I️ just see something in him, something I would generally call potential. I put up with a lot dealing with your father, so I don't recommend staying in a relationship where you aren't happy but there's always room for growth and he's trying".

"Mommy sometimes trying isn't enough and this may be that time".

After talking with my mother for a little bit more, I eventually took a nap that rolled over into the next day. My mother had insisted that she'd keep an eye on AJ for the few days that we were going to be in town, but I didn't really have much to do. I let her know that I could keep and eye on him while I was in the house, but that would be hard since she was literally obsessed with him.

Candy and Tete had came over to see AJ, since I hadn't seen them since I flew them out for my grand opening. Though those were my bestfriends, being on different paths in life meant that we were going to miss out on a lot of things. No matter how far away we're apart, our friendship could never be tarnished.

"Oh my god, not again AJ", I said as I began to go in a serious mode of frustration. AJ had pissed all over himself for the second time in one hour while changing him and now he had shit running all up his back. Some days I felt like he did things on purpose, no I was convinced, he did things like this on purpose.

"You're your daddy's son", I said as I changed him out of his dirty clothes so he could get ready and take a bath. "Please don't pee while mommy's getting your things ready", I said as I gathered his necessities to bathe but of course, AJ did what ever he desired.

In the blink of an eye, the sheets of my mother's guest bedroom were filled with pee. At that very moment, I gave up even worrying about it. "Come on you little nasty", I said while laughing.

After about thirty minutes, my mother had came in and changed the sheets while I got him together for a  nap. I️t wasn't too hard since he'd already peed and pooped enough for three grown ass men, so the only thing he desired was a nice warm bottle and a small scoop of oatmeal.

After finally getting him to go to sleep, I️ decided to be nice and give his father a call. We'd landed yesterday and I had yet to at least inform him about our whereabouts. I waited for him to answer the phone but it went to voicemail after a few rings, so I called again. If he didn't pick up this time, I was going to call Chubbs and if Chubbs didn't pick up, OB was going to be next.

I received the voicemail the second time around, so I resorted to the next person on my list.

"Hello", Chubbs said into the phone. "Hey Chubbster". He laughed into the phone, "Sis I told you to stop calling me that a long time ago, but what did I do to receive a phone call from you because this is one in a million".

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