Special Chapter 7.5

Start from the beginning

"Kyaa...! Who is that?!" one of the fan girls screamed in alarm.

Everyone looked up to see Shiki Senri swinging himself over the gates and now making an effortless landing, the crowd hurriedly making space for him. He landed in a crouch, one knee on the ground and the other bent to support his one arm while the other helped carry his weight.

"Ah, Shiki-senpai...!"

"Shiki-senpai, are you alright?!"

Once more, Senri opted to ignore the people around him as he gracefully stood and rushed to the Academy Gates with his phone now ringing to call his driver. The furious glow of his bright blue eyes warned off other people from either following him or stopping him, his fan girls stunned in place at the sight of this new side to him though some are shown to actually love it as some had fainted on the spot.

"Hey, what is going on here?!"

The distant voices of the Disciplinary Committee bade warning into his keen hearing thus, with practiced ease, Senri navigated himself to avoid them and let them focus on the ruckus that the crowd of fan girls was making.

It was the threatening thought of Aiyora's precious radiant smile being tainted with blood and tears that helped Senri accomplish this feat, arriving to the Entrance Gates in record time as his driver was already waiting with the limousine.

As the door slammed close and his destination uttered in an aggressive command, the limousine drove away.

Throughout the time, one ferocious thought coated with hidden rage and vengeful reckoning resounded within the usually serene mind of Shiki Senri:

"If that asshole so much as grazes his filthy fangs upon Aiyora's skin, I will not hold back any longer!Kuran Kaname is going too far. Pureblood or no Pureblood, no one messes with Ai-chan."

Bright blue eyes flashed into a menacing crimson, revealing a glimpse of the beast within beauty.

At that precise moment, Shiki Senri had never looked more like his father.


It was a risk, a gamble that might just cause him to lose all the progress he had made with her.

Kuran Kaname preferred to keep his plans organized, his every step and procedure strategized into a harmonized tandem that would allow his chess pieces to dance according to the predicted choreography.

However, as Aiyora continued to demonstrate how Shiki Senri is held above he within her innocent heart, a part of him was provoked.

Thus, he ended up asking...

"Ai, so have you replaced your onii-sama with that boy?"

"His name is Senri!"

There came her offended reply, and so he asked again but the pride within his blackened soul connected to his lips at that moment which filtered his words into a taunt:

"Have my words offended you?"

"...Yes, I don't like it when anyone means insult towards Senri."

A part of him now felt intrigued; he can no longer predict what Aiyora has to say for certain now.

Thus, he challenged her...

"How about me?"

"What about you?"

"What if someone insults me? Would that not make you feel bad?"

Silence, thy answer is thee.

It was an answer that made a slight presence in the form of an action as Aiyora tried to tug her hand away from his grasp, but Kaname remained firm and vigilant.

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now