“I forgot that you actually liked those type of movies.”

“So that’s a yes?”


Harry walked over to the movie cabinet, and carefully picked a movie, and slipped it into the DVD player.

“What movie?” I asked.

“The Vow.”

“Never seen it.”

“Me neither.”

“But you bought it.”

“Actually, Louis did.”

“Okay then.”

I wouldn’t be able to tell you how the movie ended, because I fell asleep half way through it. Not that it was boring, but being a University student was exhausting, and I was tired.

When I finally woke up, it was to voices all around me.

“Should we wake them up?” I heard a male voice say.

“No! They look adorable!” I heard an unfamiliar female voice respond.

“Fine. I’m taking a picture though.” the male voice said.

I slowly opened my eyes, and saw Louis, and a young woman, who I presumed was his girlfriend, standing over the couch.

I felt something under me move, and realised that I had fallen asleep on Harry, and somehow wound up on his lap, with my head curled into his chest, and my legs stretched out over the couch . Harry was waking up, and had his arm wrapped tightly around me. It was a comfortable position, not that I’d ever admit it out loud.

But how the hell had I gone from casually leaning against Harry’s shoulder to curled up in his lap?

I extracted myself from Harry’s tight hold, before glancing up at Louis. Harry had still managed to continue sleeping.

“Hi,” I turned to the unknown woman, “I’m going to take a wild guess and say you’re Eleanor.”

“And you’d be right,” she responded brightly, “I’m Eleanor Calder.”

“And I’m Jenna Matthews.”

“And I'm Louis Tomlinson!” Louis exclaimed.

We both glanced at him with our eyebrows raised, “What? Everyone was introducing themselves and I felt left out!”

“So I heard that you’re a design student at U of London! I’m majoring in sociology at Manchester.” Eleanor said, sitting on the armchair.

“Really? My parents live down there!”

“My folks still live there as well! What brought you down to London?”

“Well—“ I was cut off by Harry waking up.

“What’s going on?” Harry said in a groggy voice.

“We both fell asleep in the middle of the film. Louis came back with Eleanor. We’re talking.” I stated.

“Oh. Hi Lou, El.”

“Hola Harry!” Louis said, “I took a picture of you and Jenna and put it on twitter!”

My mind slowly processed what Louis had just said. I looked at Harry with wide eyes, and saw him staring back at me with the same shocked expression.

I turned to Louis, “What the hell did you just say?”

Louis suddenly looked very nervous, scared even, “I posted a picture of you two on twitter?”

“And why the hell would you do that Louis? You know what the fans are like!” Harry exclaimed.

Then and Now: A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now