Chapter 15 "Playing Dirty."

Start from the beginning

You then move your hand down to his jaw and run your thumb over his cheek then you reach the corner of his lips when you stop.

He noticed you stopping and slightly opened his eyes again.

His eyes meet yours and his sleepy ones are replaces with warm and calming.

It felt as if all time stops when he looked at you like that.

You even forgot why you were here.


"Mind telling me why I'm here?" He groans and closes his eyes again

You sigh and continue to ask. "Taehyung, why am I here?" Again. No answer

"Are you feeling alright? Are you hurting?" He suddenly asked taking me off guard.

"I-I'm Fine." You answer.

"Are you sure?" He said worried lifting his head putting his hand on your forehead feeling your temperature

"You're burning." He said worried and pulled off the wet towel of your forehead and put it back in the bucket of cold water and soaked it. He put the now cold towel on your forehead and sat back down next to you

You do feel horrible. Your nightmares have gotten even more weird and more real. And you've been feeling sick. It's probably because of your no sleep and not eating problem. And probably because you've been out in the cold and water when you shouldn't. But you didn't care.

"Are you thirsty? I can get you water and if you're hungry I have more food saved." He said the last part weakly. Of course I knew he stole that from our camp but this whole camp drama is tiring if you let it get to you. You just want everything to get back to what it was.

"I'm alright." You smile weakly and sit up but you feel as if you were about to pass out.

"You don't look alright. Let me get you something to drink. Wait here." He opened the hatch and started climbing down it and closed the hatch after him leaving you alone.

You groan and lean your back against the wall. I wonder where he is going?

You know Baekhyun probably noticed your disappearance. But you don't think you can walk right now. You just want to stay here. It's more comfortable.

I run down towards a pond and gather some water in a bottle and swiftly close it and head back. This area was so calming, it's always my favorite place to go when I'm upset. Which is almost everyday now.

I run down the path when I suddenly see a figure coming towards me angrily. Is that..? Baekhyun?

"Hey! What did you do with her!?" Oh this should be fun.

He swiftly grabs my collar and pushes me against the tree making me drop the water bottle. I growl and put my hands on his pushing him away from me.

"What did I do with who?" I play dumb

"You know who. Tell me where she is. I'm not stupid."

"Tch, obviously." I say sarcastically and glare at him

"Have you ever thought maybe she left for a reason? Instead of wanting to stay in the hell hole." I scowl and he is starting to become even angrier.

He suddenly punches me on my jaw causing me to back up a little from the force

"Tell me. Where. She. Is" he said before grabbing my collar again.

"Ahh, So you play dirty?" I laugh

"Even if I told you where she is. I wouldn't let you trap her in that cage. She's better off with me." I scowl and his face turns bright red almost like a volcano about to erupt.

He suddenly punches me again and throws me on the ground

"What makes you better?! She's safer and actually has a bed with me! You just live with a group of boys wanting to get their hands dirty every week." He yelled at me

"Safer? Did you not just see what you did to my face? What will she think when she figures out you did this? She won't feel safe around you anymore when she sees your true colors." I smirk seeing him grimace

"She won't believe you." He says coldly

"Hah. Just because she's a omega doesn't mean she's that dumb." I scoff. "She knows you're the only one who would look for her. And the only one who knew she was with us." He just looked at me coldly

"Now. If you don't mind. I have someone to return back to." I smirk picking up my water bottle.

You like playing dirty right? Then let's play.

I walk away from him who was standing there angry and shocked. I could tell he wanted to kill me right then. But he knows better than to go that far.

I place my finger on my lip and it stings

"He's a good fighter though." I laugh and walk toward the house.

Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️Where stories live. Discover now