28|a familiar name

Start from the beginning

And when he closed the door, I myself was shocked to see that he didn't get in with her. And as the cab began to drive off, the camera went back to the dark figure that was walking up behind them. Jerry then turned around, and a few minutes went by as I assumed they exchanged a few words before the person lifted their arm from under their jacket, and a long pistol was aimed right at Jerry's head. And not even a minute later, and without hesitation, they pulled the trigger as the bullet went right through Jerry's skull.

I blinked several times as I stared at the screen. The final image of Jerry lying there on the floor, as his killer walked over him, with no emotion. Then whomever it was began to do the unthinkable as it looked like they were climbing up to the camera, and when they finally got up to it, they lifted the gun one more time before a bullet went right into the camera, making the screen go dark.

How Markus got this footage due to the broken camera was beyond me. But the video sent chills down my spine as I thought of who this ruthless character could be.

"What do you think." Markus said, staring at the screen with the same expression as me as I gulped, and brought my hand up to my face, making sure there wasn't any wetness.

"I need to find out who that piece of shit is," I started as I turned away from the computer, and as I did I nearly jumped out of my skin as Ebony stood behind me staring at the screen with watery eyes.

"I-Is that Jerry." She whispered, her voice wavering slightly as she continued to stare at the screen. As I turned around and saw that the video had begun to replay. As it did I paused it, and then shut Markus' laptop almost on his fingers as I turned back around to Ebony then, beginning to bring her back to the room.

"Why are you up. I thought you were tired-"

"I-I had a dream. A-and I didn't want to stay in that room anymore, alone. S-so when I came out here, I-I wanted to talk to you about the dream. B-But then I saw the video, and-and-" she blinked several times as tears ran down her cheeks, and I pulled her close to me, letting her calm down into my chest.

"Jackson," She said, shaking profusely in my arms as I ran my hand down her back. "Yes Ebony." I said, as I somehow felt her arms tighten around me, as if she was trying to bury herself deeper into my arms.

"David killed Jerry." She whispered, making my arms stiffen around her, and my blood rush from my ears as I went deaf for a second.

"What did you just say." I asked, pulling her away from me, as she wiped her eyes and looked up to me.

"I-I wanted to tell you sooner, b-but I just forgot about it. And then I-I was scared you wouldn't believe me, but after hearing his name, and having th-the dream of feeling that pain from the bullet, over and over, I needed to let it out." As she spoke, my mind immediately latched on to the bullet.

At this moment I didn't dare think of the possibility of David killing Jerry, I thought about that bullet.

"Markus, pull up that map again." I stepped away from Ebony to Markus, as he turned back to his computer, pulling up the map as I pulled out my phone, and went to the voice recording app on it as I walked back to Ebony.

"Lift up your shirt." I said, as she furrowed her eyebrows and began to ask the question why, but I didn't have time to explain because if my suspicions were real, everything would need to be done quickly.

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