When He Has A Nightmare

Start from the beginning

His eyes scanned the glade, searching for you. You had to be around here somewhere....

His knees buckled as he recognized you. You were running across the glade, a griever right on your tail. It's stinger was raised in the air, right above you.

His heart stopped beating in his chest when your toe hit against a tool and you tripped, falling into the grass, giving the griever an advantage. A drop of slime oozed onto your shirt as you stared up at the mechanical-slug creature that towered over you. It raised the stinger into the air and slammed it into your chest. Minho screamed like he never had before, tearing across the grass and picking your limp, lifeless body up into his arms... blood trickled from the side of your mouth as he shook you, trying to catch your attention...
"Chill out, Minho, I'm okay!"

"Grievers.... and you... shuck, the blood..." he muttered, tossing and turning under the sheets. He cried out again, tears falling onto the pillow.

You were panicking. You'd never seen him in such a frenzy. So, as a way of calming him down, you smashed your lips onto his, holding him down.

He rebelled for a moment, but when he realized what was happening he relaxed, leaning forward and holding the back of your head.

"It's only a nightmare." You muttered, pulling away. Tears still fell as he continued.

"But, the grievers..." Minho started, his breathing increasing. "And you..."

"All in your mind. I'm here; I'm safe." You replied.

Minho smiled weakly. "What a relief." He sighed. He kissed the tip of your nose.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, I think so. I mean, I don't know..." he sighed, the image of your lifeless body flashing in his mind. "Listen, darling, can you please..." he begged, pulling on your forearm and dragging you closer to the bed. You smiled and crawled beside him on the mattress, wrapping him in a hug as he pulled the covers over you. He wrapped an arm around you, and two minutes later, he was snoring.

Gally: Giving up on entering through the door, Gally ran to the side of the homestead, where he knew there was a small hole that he may be able to fit through.

He was tearing off parts of the wall when he heard a terrified scream that was cut short by the sound of choking. Now desperate to get inside before Ben did any more damage, he moved faster, tearing planks of wood off four at a time. When he was finally able to fit through, Ben was out the window on the other side.

And you were lifeless on the ground.

Blood dripped from the side of your mouth, your eyes dull. Your chest was still; air wasn't coming into your lungs at all. The worst was the knife, with its handle protruding from your heart. Gally ran over and put your head into his lap, and his tears fell onto your face.

All at once, you were breathing heavily. Staring into Gally's eyes, you choked out your final words:

"You... could've... saved me... I...love...." before you could finish, the air left your lungs and you went limp. He screamed your name, shaking your shoulders in a desperate attempt to save you, but there was no way to avoid your death...
Gally screamed to the top of his lungs, pulling at his hair and thrashing wildly in the bed. His face was soaked with sweat and tears as he tried in vain to escape the nightmarish world.

His door swung open, and before he knew it, you were sitting at the edge of the bed, cupping his face in your hands.  He tried to shake you off, turning the other way as he whimpered your name over and over.

"What's going on? Calm down!" You whisper-shouted, climbing onto the bed and kneeling at his side. Gally paused, scrutinizing you.

"Was that a nightmare?" He mumbled, sitting up. You nodded and kissed his forehead softly. He relaxed, rubbing his eyes. "Thank god."

"Everything alright in here?" Newt said, his voice laced with his thick accent.

"Get the shuck out!" Gally demanded. Newt raised his hands in the air, then closed the door quickly.

"You should get some rest." You suggested, standing up and pulling the blanket up to his chin.

He pulled on your arm and asked you to stay. Before you could reject him, he wrapped his muscular arms around you, his fingers stroking through your hair, and plopped back onto the bed with you trapped in his embrace.

"No way in hell I'm letting you out of my arms after that," he muttered, another tear falling as he pulled you closer. You smiled, enjoying being in his loving embrace as you slept.

Yes, I stole the Gally line from Age of Ultron. I was showing my little brother (he hadn't seen it and I thought that was unacceptable) and I saw that scene, which gave me the idea for this preference.

TMR Imagines and Preferences - Newt, Thomas, Minho, and GallyWhere stories live. Discover now