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He layed his back on the light brown sand with his arms folded in an acute angle, making it as his fill-in pillow. He watched the sky covered with a galaxy blanket and sparkled with stars, serving as the nightlight. He efferverces as he watch nothing but the night sky and listens to the song of the waves in the shoreline.

He pushed hisself from the arid bed of sand. He massaged the crook of his neck and sighed. How can he enjoy the sea with just himself?

He remembered the day he met you. It was summer. A solstice of warm weather, beaches, surfing, cold watermelon shakes and sunset viewing. The summer was just like you. An ardent, adventurous and enthusiastic person. He liked you very much just like how he liked the season very much.

Your eyes that were mixture of the sea and the sun. Calm yet radiating. Sometimes cyclonic but still passionate, just like how you had your first kiss.

Your lips. Lips that he have always wanted to partake, to own, to claim. Lips that were always naturally pink. Lips that were tinted with dark black lipstick yet beneath that color, lovely and cordial thin lips rest.

Your body that he never hesitate to touch. The way he presses his palm to your waist, the way he rubs his hand on your back, the way he pushes you near to his body, the blazing love he feels every time he is with you never fails to show how much he wanted you. The times where your bodies become one, there are no doubts, worries nor hesitation. You surrendered yourself as how he did to you. There are only music of moans, groans, bites and sip made by pure love.

You. The girl he has always seen as a woman. The one he promised himself he'll marry and live with forever. But he asks himself where are you now?

The cold wind blew insensibly sending a shivering sensation to his skin. It rested in his hair making a few strands sway from his forehead. Suddenly a tear escaped his eyes. He, himself, was shocked by the bead that trailed of his cheek.

He finally said the words he always wished to convey, "I miss you."



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