47. end | 원필

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first of all, i want to thank you guys for cheering me up. i miss you too ;_; your words are so comforting i wanna hug yall right now. i love you guys ;♡;


You seated at your usual seat, at the fourth row right behind the class's door, and rested your chin into the palm of your right hand.

Another tiring day. Another day full of seatworks, worksheets and group activities. It tires you so much that you wanted to sleep on your next class. Adding the fact that your next subject is Personal Development, it makes you more sleepy.

A ruffling sound was heard at the door so you looked back to see what was it. The other students were coming in because the class will start soon.

You saw Wonpil with his friends and he forced a smile to you. You were curious why he smiled that way to you. He would always smile so bright almost no eyes seen in his face but he was a bit blue today.

Wonpil, you knew, is not your friend. He is a suitor who has been courting you for over two years now. He's kind and very generous. He always drops you home and fetch you everyday like how a gentleman should be. He never misses out your special days. He's a man you can fall in love with very easily.

But you find it difficult to answer him every time he asks you that one single question he always wished you could answer; "Are you ready now?"

You were always not ready. To love. To fall. To get hurt. To accept him. To keep him. Or to enter a relationship.

Your professor entered the room. And greeted all of you a good afternoon.

"Our lesson today is about Joharis Window. A theory made by Joseph Luft and Harry Inghan in 1955. The window has four sections. Which consists of the open, blind, hidden and unknown," he started.

"Did everyone read their books?" he asked. Some nodded, some did not. You read the lecture but you didn't bother answering.

"Can someone tell me about this sections? Anyone?"

No one raised their hands until one familiar person did. Wonpil, who was sitting on the first row, raised his hand slightly but still recognizable.

"Yes Mr. Kim," your professor said.

"The open are the things you and your friends know about yourself. The hidden are things you know but others don't know. The blind are things you don't know and the others know about you. And lastly, the unknown is when both doesn't know anything about yourself."

"Very good. Would you cite an example?"

He looked back at you before nodding to your professor.

"Open. I and all of my friends know I waited for someone's answer for almosy two years."

Your nerves were awaken by his answer. You almost turned red hearing his words. You looked at his fine back and waited for his other answers.

"Blind. Everybody knows I'm pitiful for waiting that long but I didn't know I was that pathetic to them."

What is this?

"Hidden. There is something that I know that she and my friends doesn't know. - he went to you and huged you. Although his eyes were really sad, he managed to smile - "I'm sorry if I'll stop from waiting now. I am tired of it. So this last moment that I have you in my arms please pretend that you are mine.  I thought if I'll not force you, you would come to me."

He removed the tight hug and looked at you.

"Hidden. I only know about this. But now I want you to know it too. You are now... free," he smiled a bit.

"Unknown is what will happen to us after this," he said and let your hands go.

"Mr. Kim, what non-sense are you spitting out in my class? Go to the dean's office now!"

And with that he left.


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