"What do you say, love? A little ice skating?" He asked. You smiled brightly at him and nodded, taking a pair and lacing them onto your feet.

When you were ready, you stepped onto the ice, shocked to find that you hadn't already tripped. You took another step... then fell right onto your butt.

"Gosh, are you alright?" He asked with a chuckle as he helped you up. "Let me help you a little." He put his hands on your waist and showed you the proper way to move around without falling.

"Good." He said with a satisfied smile as you showed him what you learned. "You're getting the hang of it." Then, he  slid in front of you and took your hand. With a wide grin, he pulled you close to him and led you across the ice. Despite the cold, having him so close gave you a warm and fuzzy feeling.

You continued to dance across the ice, gliding over the frozen water side by side. Newt laughed, a rare sound that never failed to make you laugh as well. It was truly a magical moment.

Minho: you were kneeling down in the snow, showing Chuck how to make a proper snow angel. He laughed as he flailed his arms at his side, leaving a print that resembled an angel's wing.

You were telling him how to make the bottom part when a snowball came flying through the air, hitting you square in the chest. You stood up quickly and saw Minho chuckling from behind a tree, holding another snowball in his hand. You bent down with a smirk, your eyes never leaving him, and molded a handful of snow into a ball.

"Why, you..." you mutter, taking a few steps forward and throwing the ball through the air. Minho's face scrunched up as it hit him right in the nose. You covered your mouth and giggled as he shook his head to get the snow off, the action reminding you of a wet dog. He took the extra snowball and threw it directly at your head. You dodged it and bent down, taking another handful and throwing it in his direction.

It continued like that, until Minho's snowball hit you directly in the eye, temporarily blinding you.

"Ow!" You yelled, holding a hand over your eye. Minho dropped his snowball supply and approached you, his face masked with concern and guilt, yet there was still the shadow of a smirk on his face.

"Holy shuck, I'm sorry!" He laughed as he bent down next to you. You continued to wipe your eye until an ingenious idea came to your mind.

All in one quick motion, you took a small handful of snow, grabbed the back of Minho's shirt, and stuffed the snow right into it. He jumped up, squealed, and shook it out quickly.

"Even?" You giggled. Minho sat at your side again, staring into your eyes.

"Even. For now." He replied with a joking glare.

Gally: You watched from afar as he struggled to pack the snow together to make a ball. His face was red and he cursed under his breath as he took handfuls of snow and stuck them onto the ball. (This action made the snow into less of a ball and more of a thinking cloud shape.) You giggled at his obliviousness that you were watching and judging him. You skipped over and sat beside him, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"What, may I ask, are you trying to accomplish here?" You asked. He turned his head to you, his face red from frustration and the frigid temperatures.

"I'm trying to make a snowman, but this snow sucks." He muttered as he gestured to the mess of packed snow that laid before him.

"You're just doing it wrong." You explained. "Can I help you?" You asked. He nodded and gestured for you to do your thing. You packed a small handful of the powdery ice together, then rolled it in the snow. Gally watched with amazement as the snowball grew, little by little.

"Now, you wanna try?" You asked, pushing the ball in his direction. He placed his hands on it gently, and you put your palms on top of his and guided him. He smiled as you showed him the proper way, and was electrified by your gentle touch. You repeated the process until there were three large balls of ice in front of you. Together, you lifted them one at a time and stacked them up onto each other. Gally smiled at you, taking your hand as the other gladers came to help with your creation.

Each of the gladers had something to offer for the snowman. Teresa brought over the scarf that she had draped around her neck and put it in between the top and middle ball. Chuck took two sticks and stuck them in the sides of the middle. Frypan took a handful of beans, carefully arranging them to form a mouth. Thomas took two small rocks for the eyes, and Newt took a carrot from the gardens and used it as a  nose. The decorations kept coming until you and Gally's snowman was the most fashionable person in the glade.

Ok I just want to apologize, because I feel like the Thomas ones always suck compared to the rest. I'm just not as into Thomas as I am for the others, so his are a little harder to write, while the rest come a little more naturally to me. Especially Gally...

TMR Imagines and Preferences - Newt, Thomas, Minho, and GallyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu