Chapter 50: The real end

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"No one survives a night in the maze." Newts british voice rang out as he explained to the greenie what the maze was. The brown haired boy looked terrified, but nodded. The freckles on his face seemed more noticeable as his skin paled. I think the boys name was Thomas, but I couldn't remember. Newt sighed, walking off towards the deadheads. The greenie watched him walk off, the taller blonde boy's shoulders slumping as he limped away. He looked pathetic, like a sad, injured puppy. The brunette boy didn't know the meaning behind those words. He wouldn't understand the reason it seemed to drain the life from the British boys face when he muttered those words. Newt doesn't even remember what it means, or what happened. It doesn't matter though, the memory is still there, buried in his mind. He's just not allowed to access it in the simulation that is the glade, but the feelings and memories are still there in the real him. I wish I hadn't do that to him. I wish I hadn't put those awful images into his brain.
But I did.
And I regret it every day of my life.
If I had known how traumatic it had been for him, I would have stayed away from the glade. I would have stayed hidden deep in the maze and let the grievers catch me there. I would have spared the entire glade that horrific sight. But I was stupid. It was foolish of me, and awful, and i regret it everyday of my life.
"Emmy? Do you have the brainwave results for subject 27B?" A voice said behind me. I jumped in my chair and spun around.
"Maddie? What the shuck don't do that! You scared the klunk out of me!" I cried. She did a little shrug and leaned down next to me.
"Are you watching him again?" She said quietly. I sighed, my head hanging low.
"Emmy, he's fine. He's in the simulation, and the second that he's ejected, he'll wake up here. You know that." She said, putting her hand on my shoulder.
"I know. I just miss him." I said, glancing back to my computer screen. Footage of the glade and Newt covered most of the screen.
"How long has it been?" Maddie whispered.
"Almost 3 months." I choked out. She sighed.
"Okay, that's it. Get up, we're going back to our room, and we're forgetting about the maze for right now." She said, pressing a button on the fancy touch-screen and making it power off. She gripped my shoulder and had me stand up.
"Mrs. Paige? Emmy doesn't feel good, I'm going to take her back to her room. Okay?" She called across the room, earning a few stares from my fellow workers. The chancellor looked up for a brief moment, glanced at us, and rolled her eyes. She dismissed us with the wave of her hand, and we turned to scuttle off to my room. Maddie and I threw open the door, powered up my early 2010's computer, and threw in a random DVD I had stored away in a bin. It was like gold around here, tv shows and movies. They didn't let us use the high tech computers for anything but work, so my laptop was worth diamonds around here. We ended up watching Disney movies until we fell asleep.

"Emmy, is that you in there?" A voice said, knocking on the door. I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Why does that voice sound so familiar?
"Emmy?" He called again, and a few more knocks. Wait a minute....
"Is that-?" I groaned, stopping before I could finish my sentence, and pushing myself up off of the bed. I stumbled over to the door and pulled it open, his familiar face staring back at me. he looked different, younger, in his clean white uniform.
"Alby?" I said in disbelief. His eyes widened and he pulled me in for a hug.
It was weird. He didn't smell like the glade. He smelled clean, like he had showered not long ago.
"Oh my god. I can't believe it's you." Alby said, pulling away from the hug to look at me.
"How are you here?" I whispered. "You're supposed to be in the simulation."
Alby nodded, his eyes still scanning my face.
"I know. Griever got me." He sighed. "I woke up here and i remember...everything. It took about an hour before I could actually figure out what memories were real, and what were from the maze, but I'm good." He said. Maddie yawned, walking up behind me.
"'re Alby? Like, head of command?" She said. He nodded.
"What are you doing back so early? If you got ejected from the simulation it means they're about to get out of the maze." She yawned.
"Wait, what?" I said, turning on my heel to face her.
"Yeah, I read Chancellor Paige's log book. If you're out of the maze, it means they're getting out." She said, yawing again.
"When did you get out?" Maddie said, pulling her tangled, messy hair into a ponytail.
"Um...last night. I wasn't even told that you were here until this morning though." He said. Maddie looked up toward the ceiling, which she does when she's concentrating, and started doing some simple math using her fingers.
"'re a week ahead of the schedule, soooo....they should be getting out of the maze in about three hours." She said, finally looking back at us. Alby raised an eyebrow.
"Wow. Okay. I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but sounds about right." He shrugged. I pushed past them and went out to the monitors in the viewing room. All of the screens showed each of the glazers perspective. I focused on Minhos screen, and he was looking at the greenie I had seen talking to Newt yesterday. Speaking of Newt, he was standing next to Minho, a spear in his hand. That's when it finally dawned on me.
The group of them were standing outside of the griever hole. They were about to run in.
They were about to get out of the maze.

{Time skip, 2 months}

I punched the punching bag even harder. It swing around and I kicked it. I wiped the sweat off my forehead before punching it a few more times. I threw in a roundhouse kick and spinning back-kick, which were my favorites. I was snapped back to reality when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around, my fists raised, ready to fight. She jumped back a second, and I put my hands down
"Emmy. Um...I think you should see this." Maddie said, her eyes sad but her mouth tilted up in a smile.
I  in a deep breath, unwrapping the bandages from around my hands.
"Yeah. What's up?" I said, tossing the bandages onto a table.
"It's, um...its Newt." She said.
"What?" I said, frozen in place. Maddie licked her lips and shifted her feet.
"Um. Well, it's good news, but it's also not..." she whispered.
"You mean..."
"Yeah. He's about to be ejected." She said quietly.
I grabbed her arm and we ran off to the viewing room.
I sprinted down hallways and dragged Maddie along with me. I threw open the last door and stormed into the viewing room. A few people were crowded around one of the monitors.
My heart plummeted when I noticed Newt. He was sitting there, the freebie holding a gun to his head. His veins were a dark black, and his face was red. His eyes were bloodshot and made him look like he was in pain.
"Kill me, you shuck coward. Prove you can do the right thing. Put me out of my misery." He said, his voice in a low, gravelly whisper. Thomas, the greenie, looked horrified.
"Newt, maybe we can-"
"Shut up! Just shut up! I trusted you! Now do it!" He screamed, the black veins in his neck popping out.
"I can't." Thomas said, his voice cracking.
"Do it!"
"I can't!" The two boys screamed at each other. Thomas's hand shook, the gun in his grip.
"Kill me or I'll kill you! Kill me! Do it!" Newt screamed.
"Newt..." Thomas said, trying to lower the gun. Newt held it to his forehead.
"Do it before I become one of them!"
"KILL ME!" Newt screamed, the anger and fear making him shake. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. Newts eyes focused on Thomas, and his facial expressions softened.
"Please Tommy, please."
Thomas let out a sob, and I turned away from the screen. I buried my face in Maddie's sweater. The sound of a bullet being fired made me dig my nails into her shoulder and I started sobbing. She pulled me into a hug as I cried.
And then I stopped.
Because I realized something.
I pulled away from Maddie and sprinted back out of the room. I ran into the room where they were keeping all of my friends that were currently in the simulation. I walked into the bright white room, my eyes already searching for the right sectioned off area. The room I had woken up in months before, that was full of curtains which separated the subjects, held Newt. And then I heard it. A confused gasp of someone waking up and not knowing where they are. I walked over to the curtain, a small gap of the room inside visible. I stopped a few feet away from the curtain, so I didn't freak him out the second he wakes up. All i could see was the outline of his back and shoulders, with a few tufts of hair peeking through. He groaned as he pulled the wires out of the veins in his arms. He stood up off of the bed, and stumbled over towards the curtain. Newt moved it aside, his eyes adjusting to the bright room. He looked around, his chest heaving and his eyebrows furrowed. And then our eyes met, and my breath caught in my chest. Newt looked at me for a second, his eyes squinting in thought and his jaw tensing and then relaxing. And then it was like something clicked in his brain, and his eyes widened.
"Emmy?" He said quietly, and I couldn't just stand there, after hearing his voice. I ran and threw myself at him, wrapping arms around his neck, hugging him so hard that he staggered back. After he regained his balance, he hugged me back just as tightly, his arms wrapping around my back and pulling me closer to him.
To Newt.
After 5 long months.
"I've missed you so much." I cried into his shirt. My tears staining his clean white shirt. He rubbed my back and stood silently. I pulled back a little and his eyes were full of tears too. His beautiful brown eyes with flecks of gold. He smiled, laughing a little and grabbing the side of my face.
"It's you." He finally whispered. I nodded, my eyes grazing over his face. It was a weird experience, seeing his familiar face, which wasn't quite familiar to me. It was still him, his eyes and his hair, but it was clean. There was no dirt, sweat or stray hair like in the glade. His face was softer almost, no scratches and scars from his life in the maze, but it was still him. I squealed unintentionally, hugging him again.
Newt was finally back, and he remembered me.
I felt like my heart would explode.
And then I pulled away again, for the third time. He pressed his forehead to mine, smiling down at me through his eyelashes.
Then he kissed me.
The same way he did in the glade, soft and sweet and perfect. As much as it felt like it was just another kiss, it was like the first one all over again. When he pulled back he left my heart racing and my head swimming like we just went on a rollercoaster.
"I've been waiting for that for a long time." I laughed. Newt smiled, his hands on my arms like he couldn't believe I was real.
Little did he know I was never leaving his side again.

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