Chapter 9-Being a medjack

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"Emmy, help us out and grab the bandage over there, will ya?" Clint was asking as he leaned over Josh, putting pressure on the poor boys leg. I plucked the bandage from the shelf behind me and handed it to Jeff, who took it and set it next to him. He had a tray with a needle and some thread on it in front of him. He carefully threaded the needle and turned to me.
"okay, Emmy, I need your help now. I'm going to sew this up, its too serious to not get stitches, so I need you to hold him down, okay? Can you grab his shoulders for me and try to keep him still?" I nod and he sighs, turning back to his needle. I rush over next to the bed and look down at josh, who's face is slightly twisted with pain. I put my hands on the younger boys shoulders, and he looked up at me, fear in his eyes.
"Okay, josh, they're going to sew up your leg, okay? It's going to hurt, but you're going to be okay." I turned back to Jeff, who was holding the needle over Josh's leg.
"You guys ready?" He asked, before looking over at josh, who shook his head and groaned.
"Okay, here goes," Clint said, and Jeff started to sew up the injured boys leg. Josh screamed and writhed about on the mattress, trying to get away from the medjack putting a needle in his leg. The poor boy was groaning and whimpering. The pain must be bad, and I can only imagine how it seems to him since he's still young. A second later I hear Jeff let out a sigh of relief.
"All done guys, that should help." Josh relaxed on the bed, and I slowly stood up, wiping the sweat off of my forehead. I turned to look at the two medjacks and saw Jeff wipe off his own forehead using the back of his forearm since his hands were coated in blood. Clint slowly stood up and looked back at Josh. He was breathing heavily and his hands were on his face, covering his eyes, but I could still hear him quietly whimpering.
"Jeff, Clint, do you have any painkillers or something for him, he's not looking good." I asked. Clint looked up at the ceiling in thought.
"Umm...yeah...I think we have some," He said before heading over to the cabinet and taking a small bottle off the shelf. "Okay, there should be some in here." He said, walking back towards the bed and twisting the lid of the bottle off. He stopped by the side of the bed and turned the open bottle over, but no painkillers came out.
"Um...okay...I guess we're out." He said before tossing the bottle into a nearby garbage can. Josh groaned in pain, and I frowned. the medjacks and I plopped down in some chairs and took deep breaths. Jeff had a washcloth and was slowly wiping the blood off of his hands using it. My burn from earlier in the kitchen started to ache and I pulled out the aloe from earlier. I started to put it on my hand when a voice chimed out in my head.

"'Aloe is a miraculous plant, Emmy. It can help with burns, it can help relieve pain. Constipation, arthritis, swelling, you can even eat it in case of emergency. It has many uses, don't forget that, okay?" and then a younger version of my voice replied, "yes Ms. Paige."'

I looked down at the plant in my hand.
"Jeff, do you have a knife of something?" I asked. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow.
"Um, yeah...why?" He said, before slowly handing me a switchblade. I opened it and sliced the aloe leaf in half. I looked down at the gel inside and walked over to Josh, who was laying there, his hands still sitting over his eyes. I stood next to the bed, and carefully set the aloe on his wound, gel side down. He let his hands fall away from his face.
"What is that," He asked, "It feels so much better," he closes his eyes and started quietly snoring. The two boys behind me jumped up and walked over to me.
"Uh, Emmy, what was that?" I turned to look at them, but they were staring at me and I looked down at the ground.
" you mean...exactly." I said quietly. Clint lifted his hand up to point to the boy that was now asleep on the bed.
"" I shrugged. "A natural painkiller...I guess." Jeff raised an eyebrow at me. I blushed.
"Greenie, can you show us what that is? That can really help if we ever run out of pain meds again." I nodded, and I'm about to explain when theres a knock at the door. Newt and Alby walk in.
"Clint, Jeff. How's Josh?" Alby asks. Clint sighs and rubs the back of his head.
"Why don't you ask the greenie," he says. Alby turns to me, and I look at the floor. He turns to look at Josh, who's lying motionless on the bed. His smile disappears quickly and his eyes widen.
"what do you mean....Josh is....he's okay right?" He turns to look at me. "What'd you do to him?" He starts to walk over to Josh but Jeff puts a hand on his arm.
"Josh is fine, Alby. He's just asleep. The greenie actually helped a lot. We ran out of pain medicine and he was having a difficult time, and she did...something....I guess." Alby took a deep breath.
"Sorry, Emmy. I just...I saw him not moving there and....Josh is a good kid. I don't want anything to happen to him. Sorry." I gave Alby a small smile and walked over to the door, wanting to leave before the other two boys talk about me any more. Newt is still standing in the doorway, and he puts a hand on my arm to stop me on my way out. My arm tingles slightly where he touched it, and his dark brown eyes seemed to ask if Josh was okay. He gave me a small smile.
"Are you okay, love?" He asks, his hand still on my forearm. I smile slightly and nod. He opens his mouth to say something when Alby calls out to us from behind.
"Hey lovebirds, can you come here for a second?" I blush deep red and Newt immediately drops my hand and runs his hand in his hair instead. We both head over to the other boys.
"Okay, greenie, so I heard the story. Now, i never thought I'd say this, but you've honestly done pretty shucking good in every job you've tried. So, tomorrow, you try to be a builder, and then we have a meeting to decide what job you get." I nodded, and soon after Alby and Newt left. I turned around to go check on Josh, who was still asleep, his chest moving quietly. I went over and took the gauze off of the tray where we had left it before. We hadn't had time to bandage his leg up after we sewed it, and then Alby came, so I decided to do that now. I carefully lifted his leg off the bed, trying to be careful. josh groaned slightly and shifted on the mattress. his eyes slowly opened and he he groaned again.
"Hey josh," I said kindly. He smiled slightly.
"Hey Emmy. How's my leg?" I smiled and kept wrapping up his wound.
"It looks okay. That was a pretty serious cut though. You lost a ton of blood." I said. He nodded and rubbed his eyes.
"It hurts." He said quietly. I smiled sadly.
"I know, thats going to be for a while. You're going to be on bed rest for a bit." I said. He nodded again and closed his eyes. When I was done wrapping up his leg I laid it down on the bed and walked over to stand next to him. I brushed his long, shaggy blonde hair off his face and put my palm on his forehead. He opened his eyes again and shifted a bit at my touch.
"It's fine josh, I'm just feeling to see if you have a fever. You are a little warm, so I'll go get you a cool cloth for your forehead." He nodded and I walked out to the water pump with a rag in my hand. After I soaked the rag in the cool water and rung it out, I headed back up to josh. He was already fast asleep again.
"Hm, I guess it makes sense, he did lose a lot of blood for such a small guy." I thought to myself. he really is small. He's one of the younger boys here and he has a very thin frame. He isn't very muscular and reminds me more of a child than an adult. I'm sure he isn't much younger than 15, but he just looks so small. I smiled, placed the rag on his forehead and headed down to dinner.
"Hey, Greenie. How's Josh doing?" Alby asked. I smiled and walked over to the table with him, Newt and Minho. I sat down between Minho and Newt with my food.
"He's doing okay, he just lost a lot of blood and needs to rest. He wont have any permanent damage or anything, but he does need a few days of bed rest." Alby smiled.
"Good that. Except that he's important to the builders, so they're going to need the help. You'll have to help them out tomorrow as your job test." He took a sip of water from the jar on the table in front of him. I nodded, and took a bite of the chicken on the plate in front of me. Frypan plopped down on the seat next to me.
"Hey greenie, how's the food?" He smiled and set his own plate on the table. I cocked my head to the side and nodded, swallowing the bite of food I was chewing.
"Well, it could use some oregano, but other than that its delicious." He raised an eyebrow.
"Oregano, huh? Where can I find some of that?" He asked, leaning over the table to try the food he had made.
"In the gardens. There's a bunch of it near the tomato plants." The boys around me all set down their utensils.
"Alby why is the greenie that good at everything?" Minho complained. I blushed, looking down at the table.
"Well it seems she has an amazing memory, which helps. How did you remember where the bloody oregano even was after a single day working as track-hoe?" I shrugged. The boys around me just looked at me for a while, and when it got too awkward for me I excused myself, put my plates in the kitchen and went to bed.

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