Chapter 3-Picking your job

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"Emmy, wake up" I hear someone say. It sounds like Newt, but I don't want to wake up. I bury my head deeper in my pillow, and try to go back to my dream. I was flying over the trees. I'm not sure where, but it was great.

"Come on Greenie, it's time for you to pick a job," Wait. Minho too?

"Hm, five more minutes Minho..." I yawn. I can feel the blanket being pulled off of my bed. Eventually my head and shoulders aren't covered and I open my eyes to try to find the blanket, but instead I see Newt and Minho looking at me.

I let out a small shriek. Minho and Newt jumped backwards a bit,

"What the bloody hell was the scream for?" Newt asked me.

"Well when I wake up and momentarily forget where I am and see two boys staring at me it's kinda hard not to scream!"

Minho nods and shrugs his shoulders. "Good point,"

I take a deep breath and sit up in bed.

"Hey wait a minute...Newt isn't that your shirt?" Minho asks, squinting at me.

"What?" I ask, looking down at my shirt myself. "This is the same shirt I wore yesterday." I'm just wearing the brown tank top. Was it his? I look at Newt, who rubs the back of his neck,

"Well, yeah, it's my old shirt. I don't wear it anymore." I looked down at it again. For some reason it made sense that this shirt was so comfortable, and that I picked it out first from the pile of clothes.

"Oh. Okay, no problem. Newt your shirt is really comfy, I'm going to keep it, kay?" Newt and Minho looked at me, surprise written across their faces.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. That's fine." Newt cleared his throat. "Well, we're going to wait outside so you can get changed and stuff. And by the way, this box is for you." He set a small box on my bed. It was wooden with the words "for the girl" printed on the top.

"Where was it?" I asked. Minho shrugged and said "it was in the box." A confused look crossed my face and he must have seen it. He explained. "It's the metal thing you came to the glade in." I nodded. The guys went out into the hallway so I could get changed. I switched out my black pants for blue jeans, and threw my green sweater on over top, not bothering to take off the undershirt. I put my boots on and tied them, and went to check out the box. It was pretty basic girl stuff inside. I had a hairbrush, a pack of hair bands, and a few packs of feminine hygiene stuff. I sighed. The excitement of the glade made me forget that I am indeed, a female. The worst part is that I have a vague feeling of having terrible cramps on my period, but I forget how to treat it. Anyways, I take the hairbrush and brush through my hair. Then I pulled it back into a ponytail and opened the door. The boys were waiting in the hallway. They both looked at me for a moment, judging my change of appearance. I guess it was a good change for them since both of their eyebrows lifted up in surprise. They both just looked at me. After a minute I cleared my throat, "so, um, should we go?" I asked. They both looked away.

"Yeah, yeah, of course."

"Why wouldn't we,"

I smiled, and we left to see my job options.

"Alright Greenie so first things first. What job do you want to do most. That's the one we'll start with." Minho asked.

I looked at Newt. His eyes had shifted down to the floor, as if he knew I would say runner. I wanted to say runner so badly, but I shrugged my shoulders and said "how about we start with track-hoes." Newts eyes shot up off the ground and focused on me. A look of relief crossed his face. He led us over to the track-hoe gardening fields. I spent hours learning about the different plants we grew, and even offered advice some of the guys didn't know. Besides me hitting my foot with a shovel multiple times, I did really well. I don't know how I knew what I did, but at one point I started talking to myself,

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now