Chapter 7-Gally, Newt and Minho

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"Ya know, you really surprised me there. I never expected a girl like you to run like that." Minho turned to me, smirking. I punched him in the shoulder. "Hey!" he shouted, rubbing his shoulder. Then he laughed.

"Okay, I deserved that." We both nodded, laughing.

"Uh, yeah. You did. You seem to forget that this girl can out-climb any of you, apparently knows a lot about plants, beat Gally at the bonfire last night, and passed you in our run earlier." He turned to me, his mouth and eyebrows forming a smirk but his eyes still smiling. His mouth dropped open.

"You did not almost pass me. There is no way. The absolute best you could have done was tie, and I wasn't even running at my top speed." He boasted, sticking his nose in the air. I raised one eyebrow and looked at him. He saw my face and burst out laughing. A genuine laugh. Id heard him chuckle a bit, but this was the first time he had a full on laugh. His eyes squinted up and he put a hand on his chest. His eyes started watering and he wiped it away.

"Wow...greenie...that face..." he started laughing again, he fell over onto the grass, clutching his stomach. I shook my head, and he kept laughing.

"Emmy, what the bloody hell did you do to this shuckface over here?" Newt walked over, nudging Minho in the side with the toe of his shoe. Minho put his hands over his eyes, still laughing, his elbows pointed up towards the sky. He let out a snort.

"Seriously, greenie, what'd you do. This isn't normal for him." Newt said, turning back to Minho with a concerned look on his face. Minho was still laughing, then he stopped for a second, gasping for air and his arms fell limp onto the grass. Then he had another round of giggles. He snorted again and Newt chuckled, turning to me.
"So how was running in the maze, Greenie?" He asked. I smiled.
"It was amazing! I felt so free and I could have done it for another few hours. I want to do it everyday." Newt smiled at me.
"You must have enjoyed it. Your eyes have a sparkle to them right now that I haven't seen before." I blushed and looked down at the ground. He chuckles and turns to me again.
"And this slinthead over here treated you well, right?" He said, his accent sounding more present than usual. He pointed at Minho, who was still laughing on the ground. I raise my eyebrows and gesture to him.
"Yeah, he treated me just fine. I'm starting to get worried about him though. Shouldn't he have stopped laughing by now?" I said. Newt nodded.
"Yeah, maybe we should go get the medjacks," he said, nudging Minho in the side with the toe of his shoe another time. Minho shot his hand out, knocking Newts leg out from under him and he landed on the butt in the dirt. A loud laugh escaped my throat and Newt started laughing too. I heard Minho snort repeatedly, louder than before, and me and Newt started laughing hysterically. I fell back onto the grass with Minho, and I pulled Newt down with me. The three of us laid sprawled in the grass, laughing. When one of us stopped, we heard the others and started laughing again. I don't know how long this went on, but when we finally sat up we had tears running down our cheeks and my stomach hurt.

"Wha...What were we even," another giggle, "Laughing about?" Minho asked, his face bright red.

"Whew....I have no...bloody..." a snort, "Idea shuckface."Newt gasped. We all started giggling again and a boy cleared his throat behind us. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked over my shoulder to the boy. At first I was kinda scared of him, his muscular arms tight against his shirt, his face scrunched up with confusion, but then I realized it was Gally and the feeling vanished.

"What are you shanks doing. Are you going to move or something, its distracting us builders."

I smiled at him.

"Nah, too busy laughing, Gally." His face relaxed and he sat down next to us in the grass. He tucked his legs up and rested his elbows on his knees.

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant