Chapter 22-The New Greenie

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It's been two weeks since I got the crutches. At this point I can walk without them, but my leg still isn't back to normal. I was working in the kitchen, working on making lunch for the gladers. I spread some mayo on a sandwich I had been making and started thinking of the past two weeks. Nobody got hurt too badly, Minho and Gally had another argument, and I had another small panic attack. And, the new greenie is due today. I couldn't wait, maybe it would be a girl this time.
Oh, wait, no. It wont. The first girl will be...what's her name, Terri? Tessa? Teresa, yeah, Teresa. I'm technically the first girl but soon nobody will remember me. I don't even know how long I have left with my friends. Even just thinking about that felt like a cold hand squeezing my heart.
I sighed and started working on making another sandwich for the boys. I felt someone's arms wrap around my stomach, and they rested their chin on my shoulder. Thinking it was Newt, I didn't say anything, just smiled and kept working.
"Hey, Greenie, whatcha doing?" I heard a voice ask. Wait.....that isn't a British voice. My eyes widened and I instinctively brought my hand back and punched the person in the shoulder. They brought their hands away from me in defense, and I ducked under their elbow, spinning out to stand next to them. I held up the butter knife I had been using to make sandwiches in a defensive pose. Minho's eyes widened.
"Whoa, um. It was a joke greenie, I didn't mean anything. Can you put the knife down?" His glance shifted down to the knife and he held us hands up in defense. I groaned and let my hand drop to my side.
"Minho! What the shuck, dude?" I said, setting the knife on the counter again. He sighed in relief and ran a hand through his hair.
"I just wanted to joke with you. I figured maybe I'd get a kiss out of it....ya know, cuz you'd think it was Newt. I guess not though." He paused, his face scrunching up a bit and he shrunk back just a bit.
"Please don't hurt me." He said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.
"I'm not going to hurt you, ya slinthead. Just don't do that again, or I WILL hurt you." I said, punching him in the shoulder. Minho nodded, and rubbed his arm.
"Yeah, yeah, got it." He glanced around the kitchen. He looked over my shoulder and his eyes settled on a slice of bacon. I had been making BLT's, and there had been some left over. He tried to reach over my arm to grab it but I swatted his hand away.
"Ow," he mumbled, letting his hand drop to his side.
"Don't even think about it, shuckface. That's not for you." I said, starting to laugh. He frowned and I rolled my eyes. "Minho, what are you even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be, ya know, running the maze?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. He smirked at me, stuck his hand out, grabbed the bacon off the counter and stuffed it in his mouth.
"MINHO!!!" I shouted. He ate the bacon quickly and grinned.
"What?" He asked. I groaned and punched his arm slightly.
"Stop hitting me!" He said,
laughing, and punched me back. I rolled my eyes and shot him a look.
"Can you just answer me? Why aren't you in the maze?" I asked. Minho shrugged.
"Alby gave me a day off, so I took it. I haven't had a break in forever. Anyways, speaking of running, I came to tell you that starting tomorrow, running will be back in your job rotation." He said. I jumped up in the air and shouted.
"YES!!!!! TAKE THAT YOU STUPID GRIEVERS!!!! I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!!" I pumped my fist in the air, and Minho started laughing.
"Chill, Greenie. I don't see why you like running in the maze so much." I punched him in the shoulder again.
"Shut up. You should know why I like running. And besides, stop calling me greenie! The box is bringing up someone new today, so I wont be the greenie any longer." I paused, tucking my hair behind my ear. Minho rubbed his chin.
"True. I always call you greenie. What will I call you now?" He asked, looking at the ceiling, deep in thought. I tapped my chin pretending to think too.
"Hm, I don't know....maybe....Emmy?" I said, putting my hands on my hips and being over dramatic. Minho rolled his eyes.
"nah, too basic. Besides, Newt calls you that." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. I squinted my eyes at him.
"Um, yeah...cuz that's my name." I said. I don't get why he cant call me by my name, maybe he's just being an idiot. Minho shook his head.
"No, see, Newt calls you Emmy, you call him Newtie sometimes. That's like your gushy couple stuff. It feels weird if I call you that." He said. I rolled my eyes and leaned on the counter.
"But Newtie isn't his real name. Emmy is my real name." I said. Minho nodded and his gaze shifted over my shoulder. He smirked and called out.
"Hey, Newt, don't you think I need a new name for the greenie here?" He shouted. I turned around as Newt walked over. His face had the usual streak of dirt across his face, and his hoodie was off. He had it tied around his waist, and he was standing there in just his orange tank top. His hand was all scruffed up and he was slightly sweaty, but he looked happy. He wrapped an arm around my waist and looked at Minho.
"Well, she's not going to be the greenie for long, is she? And why do you need a new name for her? Emmy suits her just fine." He said. I smiled a threw my hands in the air.
"Thank you! This slinthead thinks that since you call me Emmy he needs a new name for me, like you can't call me the same thing or something." I looked between Minho and Newt. Newt nodded a bit and scratched the back of his neck.
"Well, i mean, you don't need to call her anything different, do ya? Whatever, shank, call her what you want, as long as it's appropriate." He said, and I rolled my eyes. Minho smiled and looked me up and down.
"Okay, let's see...what to call you," He muttered. He stood that way for a second, his arms crossed over his chest in concentration.
"Hm...Maybe.......Speedy?" He said, squinting up one eye like it kinda hurt to say it. He shook his head.
"Nah, that's a piece of klunk. Maybe....I mean....I can't call you green bean, maybe string bean? Nah, that's awful too. Okay I have no shucking idea. Making up nicknames is really hard." Minho said, rubbing the back of his neck. I shook my head and started laughing.
"Oh, Minho. You don't need a nickname for me. You can call me Emmy ya know." I said. Newt squeezed my hand and nodded his head towards Minho.
"Yeah, you can just call her Emmy. But if it bugs you too much, maybe just call her Em?" He said. Minho smiled a bit and nodded.
"Yeah, actually. I like it. Em. It's a bit edgier than Emmy, too. I mean, you survived a griever, Emmy sounds too innocent." He said, running a hand through his hair. I rolled my eyes and looked up at Newt who shook his head. I turned back to Minho when a loud blaring sound echoed throughout the glade. I jumped a bit and all three of us exchanged glances. I smiled, that was the box. The new greenie was here. All three of us turned and jogged out of the kitchen towards the center of the glade. The familiar crowd had gathered around the box, and Gally yanked open the metal lid. The boys peered over the edge just as we neared the crowd. Newt pushed his way through the swarm of sweaty boys, and me and Minho followed him through. I stopped near the edge of the box, the toe of my boots touching the metal room. I grabbed Newt's hand and leaned over, looking down at the boy. He had wavy, jet black hair that hung down over his forehead, and green eyes. He had on a tan shirt and blue jeans. He seemed fine, like he wasnt concerned of his current situation at all. He just sat there and glared, looking around at all of us. How was he not at least remotely scared? He seemed fine. Nick jumped down into the cage. The boys eyes slowly shifted to look at Nick.
"Hey, look, My name's Nick, okay? I'm not gonna hurt you, I help everyone like you. Do you remember your name?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Tyler." The boy said, not even taking his eyes off of Nick.
"Oh, um. Cool. Well, welcome to the glade, Tyler." Nick helped Tyler stand up and they both climbed out of the box. Alby looked through the crowd and dragged Tyler over to us.
"Tyler, this is Newt, second in command around the glade. Then there's Minho, our keeper of the runners, and Emmy, the only girl in the glade." He motioned to each of us as he talked, and we all tried to give Tyler a small smile. Tyler kept looking at me. He looked me up and down, and I did the same to him. He had a tall, built frame, like Minho. He had broad shoulders, and strong arms. He was almost as muscular looking as Gally. He kept giving me weird looks, and it creeped me out. Newt stood up a bit taller next to me wrapped his arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him. Tyler's glance shifted to newt who narrowed his eyes, and Tyler rolled his. I leaned into newt, wanting Tyler to stop. It was really weird. Alby finished his little speech, which nobody was listening to, and started to drag Tyler away. The black haired boy turned and winked at me before turning and strutting away after Alby. I shuddered. Gosh he was creepy. The group started to walk away as Nick and Alby took the greenie on the tour. I looked at Newt and Minho.
"He's weird, guys." I said quietly. Both of the, glanced over to the new boy and nodded, but didn't say much.
"Yeah. I agree. He doesn't even look confused. You don't think he knows something, do you?" Minho said, his voice barely above a whisper. We all glanced at each other, as If we shared the same thoughts. Eventually Minho sighed.
"Well, you guys should've get back to work." Minho said. I nodded and he smiled.
"See ya around, Em." He said before turning and walking away. I watched him go, still a bit creeped out from Tyler. Newt pulled me in close, gave me a hug, and I felt better. I hugged him back and then we pulled away. He kissed my cheek and we both walked off in opposite directions to finish our jobs.

Later that day I handed out my sandwiches to the boys. I expected the usual. A quick kiss from Newt, a joke from Minho, a quick update from Gally, and so on. Except, the new boy, Tyler, winked at me again. He came up to get his lunch and looked around, making sure nobody was watching. Then he leaned forward.
"Hey, what's the only girl here doing with...him?" He asked, nodding towards Newt. I felt my expression drop and a shiver ran down my spine.
"Just seems weird is all. You can have anyone in this place and you pick him. Hm, well I guess it's your choice." He said, before winking and walking off. I felt cold, goosebumps running down my arms. I tried to shake it off, but what he had said stuck in the back of my head for a while. What did he mean? I loved Newt, but what was with the winking? Gosh, Tyler is creepy. I couldn't help the feeling of doubt that planted itself in the back of my mind and rooted itself there. I could feel it spreading throughout my body, and it brought with it a cold, clammy feeling that made me feel on edge. It didn't leave, and I felt tense all day.

(A/N) so, sorry if this is a short chapter. This is just kind of a filler chapter, but there will be some drama in the next one, I promise! Anyways, I'm still thinking about that preference and imagine book, so if anyone thinks I should do that, please let me know, I'd love to hear what you guys think. Anyways, if you have any requests or anything, let me know, and thanks for reading. Love ya!

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