Chapter 11-Newt's confession

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I walked out of the medjack hut to get some fresh air. A few boys sent glances my way, especially the builders. They all looked at me with relief on their faces that I was okay, but a few of them were glaring at me and starting to repair the roof that I broke. Oops.

"Emmy!" I heard someone call out behind me. I turned around to see Gally walking towards me.
"Hey Gally." I said calmly. He stopped in front of me and looked me up and down, scanning the bandages wrapped around my arms.
"Whoa, greenie. That looks pretty bad." He said quietly, holding my arm and tracing the bandages with his finger. I shrugged.
"That's nothing. My side was what hurt." I said calmly. he looked at me.
"Wait, what do you mean?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I sighed and lifted my shirt up to show the bandage, where a spot of blood had already soaked through. His eyes widened.
"Oh, shuck. Sorry greenie. If i had known that would happen I would have told you not to work on the roof." He looked upset. I shrugged again and pulled my shirt down over the bandages.
"Really, Gally, it's nothing. I'm more concerned about you builders. I just ruined the roof of your building." I smiled slightly. Gally scoffed.
"Greenie, you didn't ruin anything. It's Caleb's fault actually, he's the one that put up the support beam. Besides, we aren't in any rush to finish the building, now are we?" He smiled at me and I laughed.
"True," I said. He looked over my shoulder and smirked. Before I knew what was happening an arm wrapped around my shoulders.
"Hey, Emmy. " A British voice said in my ear. I looked up to see Newt, his brown eyes looking down at me.
"Hey," I said back. Newt smiled and looked up at Gally.
"Ya know Gally I'll have to talk to your builders about harming the greenie. They should have been watching to make sure the building was strong enough." He said, squeezing my shoulder slightly. Gally nodded.
"I agree. I'll have to talk to that shank Caleb. I know he didn't do it on purpose but he should have been watching out for her. I left him in charge while I went to go take a klunk, and I come back to see that," He said, gesturing to my arms. I blushed and looked at the ground.
"Alright, well. You two lovebirds go and get some dinner. I'm going to go make sure none of those idiots over there get hurt like greenie here did. I'll see you later." Gally said before patting me on the shoulder and walking off. I watched until he was out of earshot and then Newt said quietly.
"Wow. I mean, we already knew builders were bloody idiots, but its another thing when a builder himself agrees." I laughed and smiled.
"Builders are bloody idiots," I said mimicking newts accent and laughing again.

"Minho get your feet off of my table." Frypan said, swatting at Minho's boots.
"hey man, lay off. I just ran all day in the maze, they need a break!" Minho said, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms behind his head.
"Yeah, well maybe your mouth needs a break too. That means no talking, and no food for you." Frypan retorted. Minho sat straight up, and we all started laughing.
"You're joking, right? I'm starving fry!" Minho said, but Fry shook his head. He set a plate in front of all of us, except for Minho. Minho looked around at all of us, and threw his hands in the air.
"Unbelievable. This is what I get for running all day?" He said before folding his arms over his chest and pouting. I shook my head and he looked at me. I nodded towards his feet. He looked down at his shoes which were still sitting on the table. His mind must have put two and two together because he slowly sat up and took his feet off the table. his boots thudded to the ground and he looked up at frypan expectantly. Frypan sighed and dropped a plate in front of the runner, who immediately smiled and started to shovel the food into his mouth. I shook my head and started to eat.  Frypan made an amazing meal, of course. Beef stew with bits of potatoes that Newt had farmed. Newt was sitting next to me, and Alby was sitting across from him. Minho was sitting on the other side of me, and he was already finished with his dinner.
"So, Greenie. How did you like being a builder?" Alby asked. I finished chewing the bite of my dinner and shrugged.
"It was okay, ya know. I'd rather not get stabbed in the stomach with a nail, but it was fine." I said, looking down at my food. I thought of how I was trapped in the wood and how I felt so suffocated. I started to feel my breathing pick up its pace, and I got the feeling of being crushed again. I was about to say something so I could leave when someone grabbed my hand under the table. I turned to my left and Newt gave me a small smile, and intertwined my fingers with his. I felt the warmth from his hand spread up my arm and I calmed down almost immediately. I smiled back at him, but my heart was still pounding in my chest. Newt turned to Alby.
"Hey, Alby. Me and Emmy are going to go bring some food to Josh, okay?" Alby took a sip of water and nodded.
"Oh, yeah. Go right ahead. Poor boy could use someone to talk to." Newt dropped my hand and stood up, grabbing his bowl and leading me back to the kitchen. He set his down and grabbed a new bowl of stew for josh.
"Come on," he said, turning around and leading me out of the building. The second we were outside off the building and the other boys couldn't see I turned to him.
"Why'd you ask Alby if we could leave?" I said, brushing my hair behind my ear. He turned to me.
"You looked like you needed some fresh air," he said, smiling down at me.
"Oh, thanks Newt," I said, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him. He wrapped his left arm around me, but his right arm was holding the bowl. After a few seconds I pulled away and we kept walking to the medjack hut. Josh was asleep on the bed, so we set the stew down next to him and walked back out.
"So, now what?" I said looking up at Newt. He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at me.
"Would you like to go for a walk?" I nodded and he smiled. He led me into the woods and we started walking for a while. It was peaceful and quiet. We didn't say much until we reached a small stream. I just enjoyed looking around at the scenery. He took my hand in his and we talked about my first few days in the glade. Newt stopped walking in front of a patch of wildflowers. He dropped my hand to bend down and pick one. It was a small, fragile yellow flower, but it was beautiful. He turned around and handed it to me, a blush drawn across his face. I smiled, and tucked the flower behind my ear. He smiled at me and held my hand again. After that we sat down on a log near the stream and talked again for what felt like hours. I never felt so close to anyone during my time in the glade. We talked about Frypans cooking, Minho's sassiness, Gally and the other builders being idiots, and even Alby being a control freak. Newt told me little secrets he had found out about during his time as second in command. He told me about a small little pond in the very back of the deadheads, how Minho when he was in box, even how Gally has a soft spot for butterflies. We talked for a while longer, until we had nothing else to say, and then we just sat in silence for a while, enjoying the quiet. When we finally stood up, the sky had started to get darker as the sun set, and I listened to the leaves on the trees rustling. I looked up through the trees at the sky, and watched it change colors as the night crawled closer. I looked down at Newt and saw him staring at me.
"What are you looking at?" I said raising an eyebrow and smiling. He blushed a bit and looked at the ground.
"Oh, just looked really pretty." He paused and put his hands in his pockets. "Why do you like watching the sky?" He said. I cocked my head to the side.
"What do you mean?" Do I really do it that often?
"Well, its just that the day we were in the tree, you kept staring out at the sky. When we were taking the nail out of your stomach, you looked out the window. Even now, you just keep staring up through the trees." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, and I blushed.
"Someone was paying attention to me, huh?" I said. He blushed again and looked at the ground. I smiled.
"I like looking at the sky because it helps me feel relaxed. I don't know why it helps, but I think it's really pretty." He scrunched up his eyebrows but smiled.
"You like the sky that much? what am i missing out on?" He said, lifting his head and looking up through the trees. He tilted his head back and smiled just slightly. His warm brown eyes looked around the sky, watching it through the leaves on the trees. His scruffy, soft, blonde hair blew around a little bit because of the wind. Has he always had a really sharp jawline? How have I never noticed before? And his hair always looks so perfect. His eyelashes are so pretty and long, and his lips look so soft....wait....what am I saying?! Calm down, Emmy. I mean, sure, Newt's good looking, but I've only been here, what, 5 days? Newt's one of my closest friends around here, and he probably doesn't even like me. But those eyes, and the hair, heck, all of him is perfect.
"Hey, Greenie, I guess I'm not the only one that enjoys looking at someone." Newt said, snapping me into reality.
", I.." I trailed off and looked at the ground, I felt a blush creep across my cheeks. I started to play with a lock of my hair. He laughed a bit and went back to looking at the sky. Gosh he's adorable. I felt my heart flutter a bit and I couldn't tear my eyes away. I watched the way his chest moved with each breath he took, the way his eyes seemed to take in everything he saw, the way a few freckles dotted his face and neck. I looked at how his thin frame could also seem so strong, and the way his face could seem so serious yet childlike and angelic at the same time. I bit my lip and looked away before I embarrassed myself any more than I already had. I cleared my throat.
"Hey, um...Newt? It's getting pretty late, maybe we should head back." I said and started to walk away. A hand wrapped around my arm and the same warm feeling as earlier spread up my arm. I turned back to Newt.
"Emmy, I brought you out here for a reason. I wanted to talk to you." He said, his eyes scanning my face. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I looked up to face him.
"What did you want to talk about?" I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. He dropped the hand that was holding my arm and ran his hand through his hair.
"Look, I....I just.." He paused and seemed to be thinking, his eyebrows furrowed just slightly. He blushed and dragged his boot across the dirt. He looked so shy and cute and I smiled to myself. He looked down at me and blushed an even deeper shade of pink.
"," he said scratching the back of his neck. Why was he acting so shy? Am I worrying him or something? I took a step forward and looked up at him. I took his hand in mine and gave him a small smile. He took a deep breath and looked down at me.
"Okay, um. Emmy, I just...when I see you I get these butterflies in my stomach. I just, I don't want anything to happen to you. When you got hurt earlier I realized how much you meant to me." He looked down at me again and I wrapped my arms around his torso. He put one arm around my waist and the other on the back of my neck. I rested my head on his chest and his chin rested on top of my head. I could hear his heartbeat through his shirt. I could feel his chest moving as with each breath he took, and the butterflies in my stomach had spread to my entire body, bringing the fuzzy feeling I get from Newt with them. We stood there for a minute just hugging, until Newt murmured.
"The truth is greenie, I bloody like you....a lot," I felt my breath hitch in my throat, and my heartbeat quickened. He liked me? I blushed and felt my heart beat even faster. I never though about it before, I dont even remember what love is, but a part in the back of my brain was screaming that I liked Newt so much.
"I like you too, Newt." I said. He took the hand that was on the back of my head away and rested it on my waist. He pulled away just enough to look at me.
"Wait, you do?" he said, disbelief on his face. I nodded and he smiled. He picked me up and spun me around. We both laughed and he set me on the ground smiling, before pulling me into another hug.
"I cant believe you feel the same way about me." He said, his voice muffled by my hair. I smiled and hugged him tighter. He pulled away, but took my hands in his. He smiled down at me. He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and adjusted the flower from earlier. I blushed and he looked down at me for a moment.
"Greenie, promise me you'll stay safe? I cant lose you, I've already seen so many gladers die." His face was more serious now, the darkness of the woods casting shadows over his face. I nodded.
"I promise Newt, but you have to promise me the same thing."
"I promise Greenie." he put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him.
"I also promise I'll keep you safe. You hear me?" I nodded. He smiled. His eyes were so beautiful up close, and my heart started to beat faster. His lips were so close to mine. Neither of us said anything as we leaned in. Our lips touched and that warm feeling that had been sitting in the pit of my stomach exploded, sending a wave of warmth through my body. His lips were so soft, and his arms slowly wrapped tighter around me. I pulled him closer to me, my arms still wrapped around his torso. The kiss was gentle, and it was amazing. He pulled his lips away from mine and smiled, resting his chin on the top of my head again.
"Will you be mine, Greenie?" He asked quietly. I nodded.
"I'm yours, Newt." I whispered. He smiled, and we kissed again.

(A/N) okay, so hopefully that chapter was okay. I've been a little busy today so this was kind of rushed but I feel it was time for Newt and Emmy to get together, so...YAY!!! I can't wait to write the next chapters and I wanted to thank everyone that's been reading my story because you guys are amazing and you have no idea how happy this makes me! Alright, well, stay awesome you guys!

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