Chapter 35-The choice

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"Em, Em are you okay in there?" I heard a knock on my door. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.
"Yeah, I-I'm fine." My voice cracked. The person outside sighed.
"Em, are you crying? What's wrong?" They asked. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, tucking the vial and the note into my pocket in case they came into my room.
"I just dont feel good. That's all." I explained, while putting all my stuff back into the crate. The boy outside didnt have an accent, so It wasnt Newt, and I didn't recognize them as Minho or Gally, so I didnt know who it was. All I noticed was that he sounded younger, his voice still higher pitched with the slightest stutter like he was nervous or something. I didnt want this random boy to know I was crying.
"Look, Emmy, Gally sent me to come find you, he said I should make sure you're okay. Can you open the door?" He said. I shook my head, then felt really stupid when I remembered the boy couldnt see me.
"Look, I just...I don't feel good." I said. The boy sighed and I heard him lean against the door a bit.
"Do you want me to call the medjacks?" He asked, a hint of annoyance lacing his tone.
"No, but can you tell someone that I'm not going back to the gardens today, I want to work in the kitchen." I said, quieter than before, but the boy heard me.
"Okay, I hope you feel better, I guess." He said. I heard him start to walk away, and I sat in silence for a moment, until some unknown reason made me jump to my feet.
"Wait," I called out. The footsteps in the hallway stopped and came back towards the door.
"What?" The boy said, the annoyance gone from his voice and replaced with curiosity. I put my hand on the doorknob and swung the door open.
"I wanted to see who you were," I said, slowly looking the boy up and down. "Thanks Josh." I said. Josh looked up at me and smiled.
"No problem Emmy. I also had something I wanted to say." He said, putting his hands in his pockets.
"I wanted to say thanks, and that I'm sorry." Josh said quietly. I couldnt help but give the younger boy a confused look.
"What do you mean?" I asked. He licked his lips and looked down at the floor.
"I mean, thanks for helping me, when I got hurt. You know, my leg, but I'm sorry you got hurt. That should have been my job working on the roof for the builders, you know?" He said. I shook my head quickly.
"No, it's fine Josh. Nobody knew it would happen. Besides, I'm fine. Really." I said. Josh nodded and looked back up at me.
"But it's my fault you got hurt. If I hadn't hurt my leg, I would've been the one on the roof of the hut. I would've been the one to get hurt, and you would have been able to outrun that griever. I know you can, but you were hurt. If I had been more careful that day, you wouldn't have been hurt for that long, and Minho and Newt wouldn't have had to worry, and you wouldnt have had those panic attacks, and-" He started rambling but I pulled him into a hug to stop it. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and stopped talking.
"Josh, how long have you been thinking about all that?" I asked quietly. He sighed.
"Since you came back from the maze, unconscious." He said. I felt my heart ache for this poor boy. He's been living with this guilt built up inside of him, and I never knew. Ever since I came out of the maze and was....unconscious. Ever since I saw the inside of WICKED's lab...ever since I saw his sister. Oh my gosh, I forgot about his sister. I forgot that she asked me to look out for him. I hugged Josh tighter, his sister's face replaying in my mind, asking me to watch out for him. I can't let him think think that he actually caused everything.
"Josh, look at me, okay?" I said. He pulled away from me and glanced up.
"Okay, none of what happened is your fault. Alright? It's fine." I said. Josh nodded slowly.
"Okay." He muttered. I nodded.
"Josh, I dont want you to keep this kind of thing to yourself. If you need to talk, you come find me, okay? I don't want you to think about this without telling me, it''ll eat you up inside." I explained. Josh cocked his head to the side.
"Why do you care?" He whispered. I didnt move for a minute, not sure what to do or say. Eventually I just patted his shoulder.
"Let's just say a friend asked me to look out for you." I said. Josh nodded.
"Okay. Are you alright?" He asked. I blinked, not sure of what he meant.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. He pointed to my face.
"You're kinda crying." He said. I wiped a tear that I didnt know had escaped from my eye off of my face and gave him my best fake smile.
"Sorry, allergies I guess." I cleared my throat. "Let's head back, I should probably go help Frypan with dinner anyways, and you should get back to Gally and the rest of the builders." I said. Josh nodded.
"Okay, let's go. Frypan could use the help anyways." I smiled a bit and both of us headed back out into the glade. Josh and I headed separate ways once we were outside, him heading over to the builders, and me heading towards the kitchen. The second I opened the door Frypan came over to me.
"Hey Em, you wanted to help today?" He said. I nodded.
"Oh, yeah. Why, is something wrong?" I asked. Frypan shrugged.
"Nah, just havent seen you in a long time is all." Frypan continued to cut up carrots for stew we'd have for dinner. I walked over next to him, a lump forming in my throat when I felt the vial in my pocket. Frypan kept cooking, the usual smile plastered on his face that he always has. How can he always be so positive? It's like he doesn't even know what's happening. It's like he doesnt even realize how dangerous this place is. I shook my head and helped him chop up the carrots.
"Em, I'll be right back, okay? I need to go get some chicken from the slicers. Keep cutting up the carrots, will ya?" He said. I nodded and he smiled, patted me on the shoulder, and headed out of the hut. The second he was out of sight I sighed, leaning back onto the wall. I had no excuse now. I couldnt say that I never had the opportunity to put the serum in the food now, so I have to do it. I sighed again, running my hands through my hair. All I have to do is find a way to hide the serum in the food. I glanced around the room to make sure that nobody was watching, and then I walked over to the pot of already cooking soup. Right now it was just broth, celery and a few pieces of carrots Fry had already dumped into the pot. I took the vial out of my pocket, glancing down at it one last time. I mean, it's not that big of a deal, it's just Tyler. I don't exactly want to remember how he attacked some of us, but what if it takes more than just memories of him? I pulled the top off of the vial and dumped the contents into the soup before I could have any second thoughts.
"Em, whatcha doing?" Frypan asked as he came back into the hut, carrying a basket of what I'm guessing was chicken from the slicers. I shrugged my shoulders, and carefully tucked the vial into my pocket. Luckily, Frypan didnt see anything.
"Oh, ya know, checking on the soup." I said casually. Fry nodded and set the basket on the counter.
"Okay, cool. Let's finish this up, dinner is in half an hour." He said. I watched him for a moment, not sure what else to do, until I nodded, a feeling of dread settling in the pit of my stomach. I didnt say anything until the boys started to file into the room.

"Em, are you not hungry?" Minho asked. He took a bite from the bowl of soup he had in his hand and sat down in the seat next to me. I shook my head.
"Um, not really. I ate a sandwich that I made earlier." I lied. Minho nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing a bit, but then he smiled and patted my shoulder.
"Alright. Hey, have you seen our trusty second-in-command?" He said, before shoveling more food into his mouth. I shook my head.
"No, actually, I havent. Is he in the medjack hut still?" I asked. Minho nodded and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.
"Yeah, said he was having bad chest pain because of his rib...or something. You should bring him some soup." Minho said. I nodded, and opened my mouth to say how someone else could do it, but I stopped. Do I really want to get rid of Newt's memory of Tyler? Won't he wonder what happened to him? If I bring him the food I can drop it on the way or something, and make up some excuse, but should I really do that? I don't know. I grabbed a bowl of soup from Frypan and headed out the door. I didnt even bother saying goodbye to anyone since I didnt feel like talking. I was too worried that if I tried talking to anyone else I'd say something about the serum just out of impulse. I started walking over to the medjack hut, the bowl of soup in my hand. Now, I had to make a decision.

Now Comment what you think Emmy should do

Choice 1-Newt loses his memories, but Emmy remembers
Choice 2-Both lose their memories
Choice 3-Both keep their memories

Make sure you comment. The most recommended choice will be what happens in the story. The next chapter will be posted in four days, so make your choice quickly

And don't forget, Emmy only has one month left

Choose wisely

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