Chapter 2-Your hidden talent

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I turn and look at the clothes sitting on the bed. As of right now, my clothes seem fine, even though they are a bit warm for the weather today. I'm wearing a dark grey long sleeve shirt with black jeans, and brown combat boots. My clothes were fine earlier, but i want something more comfortable to go to bed in. I look at the pile of clothes, not even bothering to look at the pants yet. There's a blue shirt, a green shirt, and a brown one. The blue one is more of a t-shirt, whereas the green one is more of a sweater. The brown one is like a thick strapped tank top, so i put that on. i decide to not worry about my pants or boots though, I'm not sure how cold it gets at night here. I have to admit, boys clothes are super comfortable. I might not wear my grey shirt anymore if all the clothes i have are this comfy.

After i get changed I'm not sure what to do. I look around the room for a while, but its small. I decide to go talk to someone. I go check Newts room first, but he's not there. Then i check Minho's room, which is also empty. Eventually i decide to walk outside.

I keep looking at the stone walls. For some reason they make me feel trapped. I don't like it, and I want to know why they're surrounding us. I want to leave. I watch the guys work for a few minutes, not sure what the jobs are, but wanting to see what I can do. I see some people chopping down a tree, a couple boys are fixing the roof on a building. A group of boys are working in the garden, and I see two feeding the animals. I don't see newt, Minho or Alby anywhere.

Im interrupted by a tap on my shoulder, and I turn around to see a boy standing there, who must be a little younger than me, and about my height. He may be slightly taller, and he has freckles across his nose, and dark black hair, "hey, Emmy, can you give us a hand? We're trying to get the apples in the tree over there, but the ones up high are on branches too thin for any of us to reach without it breaking. You're smaller than all of us, so you can probably climb higher than we can. Wanna help?"

I smiled and nodded. "Id love too!" For some reason climbing trees sounds like fun to me. I'm not sure if its because I've done it before and i don't remember, but it sounds great. I walk over with the boy to the tree. He points out where the fruit is, and I tuck my hair into the back of my shirt so it doesn't get caught on branches. I take a deep breath, and i start to climb. At this point a couple of boys come over to watch. im climbing so fast. My hands seem to find the perfect spot, and I know where to put my feet on every branch. Its not tiring at all. Climbing feels freeing to me. Maybe its because I'm semi thin and short, but i don't feel like the branches are going to break at all. I pause for a moment to look out through the leaves. I can see the walls more clearly up here, and just stare for a moment. My stomach churns slightly, but the feeling isnt as bad up here. The feeling of being trapped slowly subsided when I realize I'm not on the ground. Then I realize people are watching me climb and I keep going. Eventually i reach the fruit. There's probably a hundred or so apples around me. I pick one off a branch and toss it from hand to hand, not sure what to do now. I look down at the crowd of boys that are watching me, and an idea forms in the back of my head.

"Look out! Get ready to catch!" I shout down at the group. I toss down one apple. I think its Winston who catches it...or maybe its Clint? I cant tell. But i keep picking the apples and tossing them down. I keep doing this for maybe five minutes when there is yelling beneath the tree.

"Hey, hey, hey what's going on here?" A familiar British voice shouts. A few other voices are explaining it to him when i hear him yell again.

"Wait what?" He walks under the tree.

"Emmy? What the bloody hell are you doing up there? You're going to hurt yourself!" I look down at Newt, who's looking up at me. I'm not sure, but he seems concerned. His forehead is creased and he doesn't look happy with the fact that I'm about probably 30 feet off the ground.

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن